The Wait List

Sorry to say, this appears to be the year of no WL movement at all.

Hi, you have news to indicate this? thank you!

Did you receive an email from them? I thought it had been confirmed that just boarding was fully enrolled? thanks.

Exeter email suggested everything was full enrolled.

Hi, just wanted to weigh in here. My daughter had straights A’s from a very rigorous middle school and is very accomplished at theatre with a professional agent and many awards. We are full pay and she was not accepted to the two schools she applied to. Not sure that FP vs FA was a big game changer this year!

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Small request
given the number of comments if people could at least parenthetically note which schools(s) they’re talking about when discussing movement on lists or lack thereof. The it/they/thems are hard to follow.

Sorry didn’t mean to make this a direct reply to @user_480994 , just a general request

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When I emailed Deerfield it seemed as if they didn’t know if they would be fully enrolled but they never sent an email to me saying they are fully enrolled for boarding .

I’m sure it mattered in certain cases but it wasn’t the be all, end all either. We are also full pay and WL everywhere.

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We are also full pay. Waitlisted at SPS, Deerfield. Accepted at Hotchkiss, Kent, and Hun, will be attending Hotchkiss. I think it was just a crazy competitive year everywhere with so many applicants, I am sure FA maybe made it more difficult but FP was certainly no guarantee?


It is hard for FP . It is even harder for FA. Where FP had the advantage this year is that most schools saw the number of (FP) international applicants plummet. Maybe not at the tippy tippy schools, but at the rest. Still, the number of qualified candidates, as always, exceeds the number of available spots.

Where did you apply? Even in a regular year, FP or not, the odds are stacked against you if you are only applying to two schools.

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We were naive in only applying to 4 (Hotchkiss/Groton/Exeter/Holderness). My son got WL at Groton and Exeter which he is really happy about. Even locally in Canada, an admissions officer told me they never had so many FP applicants as this year.

i only applied to andover/exeter
 literally started the process on christmas day. before that i had no intention to go to a boarding school whatsoever

Choate is fully enrolled.

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choate doesn’t anticipate going to their waitlist.

i took myself off choate wl

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She would have been a day student, so the school needed to be commutable and to have a top theatre program which really narrowed our choices. Concord Academy was her top choice, waitlisted.

Tough news all around
how many total people (if any at all) on this board were lucky enough to actually get accepted off of the WLs?

I only know of @usernameuser98. I think after he first posted of that news another student, @PreppyStudent14 said they got off to another GLADCHEMMS school

That is our case too. If it’s anything like our area, day spots are much more competitive than boarding due to the relatively small number of openings available.

What grade did you apply for?

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