The Wait List

Very happy for you, Dreamer! Congratulations.

I am a rising 10th grader going to Loomis next year!


That’s so great you both are rising 10th graders! At least you’ll know some people before going. Now I just need to find any rising 9th graders going to Loomis next year as well😃


OMGG. that makes me so happy!! I can’t wait to see you in the fall

i think i found a rising 9th grader but not on CC

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I know 60 people going to Hill and a good 45 of them are in my grade :joy:


the beauty of instagram :innocent:

did you find them all on cc??

ohhhh lmaooo.

nope, instagram. just start randomly requesting ppl and dm them LOL

^^ what i did and no, they didn’t find it weird


i should do that. I’ve only reached out to someone who already goes there. she was super nice.

good to hear! idk if @foxrye is still active, but they are currently a freshman at Loomis!!!

i’ll def PM them!

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Ooh I should definitely try Instagram. Tried to find videos on tiktok, but only found one


YES! I knew something would happen, good things happen to good people. I haven’t been on the forums for a while but this brightens my day. You will have a ball!

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DD2 just received a note that Deerfield is fully enrolled and not going to waitlist. They are giving folks the option to confirm that they want to stay on the waitlist during the summer.


That was my last wailtist. Now I don’t have to stress about waitlists anymore


It seems the waitlists are not going to move again until the final tuition contracts are due? I would love to know that date for Middlesex, Concord and Nobles, if anyone has that info. I heard Pingree is June 31st.

MX is July 1st for first tuition payment😁 they all seem to be within that time of late June to early July.

I’m curious if there will be some WL movement over the summer due to covid circumstances for international students. PA emailed saying that if international students anticipated travel restrictions they could request a deferral for the entire school year before June 1st.
It may not make a difference through if they’re already over enrolled.

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