The Wait List

I think some schools do that to a certain group of waitlistees—completely ghost you. I don’t think many do though

It’s possible that you are still on the extended WL – which goes into action (if it does) when the first tuition bills don’t get paid.


For those of you still on the WL, I’d like to offer a morale boost. At a dinner gathering this past weekend, I learned that a friend’s child actually got into a tippy top school a few days AFTER the school started last September. It just so happened that an enrolled student had to leave the school for an unknown reason, and never returned.

The friend’s kid got a phone call from the AO, so the parents said yes right away and booked an outgoing flight within minutes. The kid settled into the dorm the following afternoon.

The same thing happens at colleges and graduate schools, too. There are some last-minute movement in almost entering class, so don’t give up just yet!

^^ Yes, this happens. But it’s really rare. For most folks on a WL now, this is as close to admission as you will get.

There may be that little bit of movement mid-summer. You can hope for it, but don’t plan for it. You should be focusing on making next year all it can be with the option you have.


Same. I never received anything from Milton.

I’ll add that we have never heard anything from most WL we have experienced. So I don’t think all schools reach out with updates and from our experience most don’t.


One school did not contact us when they sent out the WL closed email and when we inquired they responded it was because they are still hoping to find a spot for our son. Every school but Milton gave either a general WL status email or a personal response to an inquiry, I was just wondering if anyone else had heard from them specifically. I know they sent out WL status emails in late April last year so they usually do send updates.

Don’t expect a personal reply. Schools generally send out a mass update to those on the WLs indicating when they are fully enrolled and whether or not they will review the WL again after the first tuition payment is due mid-summer should there be melt. Usually, all you get is one update telling you when the school is fully enrolled, thanking you for your continued interest, and wishing you well on your plan B. As some have posted here, responses may vary but the norm is the mass mailing.

If you’ve received nothing at all when others here indicate they’ve received an update, check your spam/junk folder as an e-mail possibly could have ended up in your e-circular file.

If a school you’re holding out on truly has not sent anything out since A10, give them a call.

Just to update on my son’s application process. My son was accepted and will attend Trinity College School (just outside of Toronto). It is a bit of a hidden gem school where he can play varsity hockey. He was WL at a few schools on M10 and WL on a couple of others after. He continued the process after and found the school that really wanted him and that he liked after a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions since March.

My message to all. Be resilient and patient but, don’t fixate on one path or a couple of schools.


Congratulations on your son! I am so happy he found a place that he loves and loves him.

People’s paths certainly do deviate from their first goal path. But I’m glad people are finding their other, true path. I hope everyone is doing great now!


Great news!!!


@Dreamer2007: That is perhaps the most mature statement I have ever read on CC! ANY school (high school or university) would be lucky to have you enroll!

Keep that attitude up, and you will go as far in life as you want to go.

FYI. Kent’s WL is closed and fully enrolled. Would anticipate other WL closing up soon as well.

Hey y’all, it’s me again.

As for updates on my waitlisted status at Andover, Exeter, and Lawrenceville, all of them are fully/over enrolled. I’ve pretty much accepted my status, and haven’t thought about it in months. But just out of curiosity, what factors do schools take into account when ‘replacing’ a student that declined the spot? I know that they try and choose a person with similar attributes to the decliner, but what exactly does that mean? Does this include factors like similar location, income, and race? or is it focused on similar extracurriculars, passions, personalities, etc.?

All the best,


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I think it’s more along the lines of “10th grade, day student, girl” or, “9th grade, boarding boy”.

I believe it varies very much on grade and gender. However I also believe if they lose a vital member accepted for a team, such as a cello player for the orchestra, they will seek another cello player interested in orchestra in the waitlist. Sometimes it’s financial, if a school no longer has FA funds they will not choose FA waitlisted students.

I was offered a spot at a school I was waitlisted to. They didn’t specify any latest time I should get back to them, do any of y’all know how much time I usually have before I have to make a decision?

Usually 48 hours

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