The Wait List

That is amazing. Who knew people send in deposits so fast!

can you share which schools? I know NMH has gone to the WL already

In Southern California, for some ā€œtopā€ schools, parents were given only one week to decide to go/no-go by making the ā€œenrollmentā€ deposit, at least for the cases we observed and experienced, however to the most surprise, we were told the school was fully enrolled and if we still wanted to stay on the waitlist for extremely unlike availability until summer only one or two weeks after

St Georgeā€™s also said they are full enrolled.

Did you get movement from NMH WL for one of your kiddos? My son is WL, but has already told me he is not interested anymore but I havenā€™t removed him because heā€™s changed his mind a few times :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I did not but a friend did (for her daughter)


No WL movement yet for us, but we have been getting positive indications from Choate, not so positive from Hotchkiss, and lukewarm from Loomis and Milton. 4 more days and we have to lock in our plan B deposit.


No movement for my son eitherā€¦same boat on holding off on the deposit for the current plan. Can I ask what kind of positive
and negative feedback you have gotten?

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Have you continued to contact all schools? We sent a message with our answer about remaining on the waitlist, but I donā€™t want to seem annoying so am just waiting. What are most people doing?

I donā€™t think we parent can do anything except confirmation on staying WL, to school, it is all about a kind of ā€œbusinessā€, it is out of parentā€™s control when the applicant is on WL.

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Choate is going to send a WL update in the next 2 days (before A10), so fingers crossed.
Their email was pretty nice, so hopefully thereā€™s still some spots.


I sent an email to some schools regarding how much I wanted to be accepted. I didnā€™t make it too ā€œbegger-likeā€ and more of a genuine update, and the replies were pretty nice. The chance is still small, but it never hurts to send an email about how much you love the school.

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Hi, we responded accepting a spot on the waitlist (priority/first choice if that was an option). Then son sent continued interest/thank you emails to the interviewer/admission officers with cc to admissions office. He mentioned why the school was his first choice, new accomplishments, confirmed GPA was unchanged. He also sent emails to coaches and arts contacts letting them know he was on the waitlist and his continued interest. he did not pester. ā€¦ Just one email after Mar 10 and a follow up this week where he attached his latest report card.

hoping for the best for everytone!


If people are waiting for any possible WL movement on Ap 9/10 - how do they pay their deposits in the end over the weekend if not dropping them a check in person? Sounds like if you are waiting until A10 and sending money in on A10 - its a sunday

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Our son jumped on the application train very late and only applied to one school for this fall (Culver). He is waitlisted and we would need some FA.
Is anyone able to advise whether there is any hope for this school to be admitted from the waitlist and if FA is a possibility from the waitlist.
Also, if he does receive an offer from the waitlist, would he have the opportunity to visit prior to making a decision? Thank you so much for any advice.

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I guess it is hard to say if FA is one of the factors making the applicant to the WL, in other words, even the applicant has a ā€œperfectā€ profile without FA, he/she might still be on the WL too.

Good luck to your son.

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Arenā€™t most schools set up for online payments?

@cos1975, only Culver can answer these questions. Make the call.


One email from your child explaining why they would like to stay on the waitlist is sufficient. I wouldnā€™t contact them anymore than that.


Thanks, being very new to this system, I wasnā€™t sure whether it was better to just sit tight and waitā€¦ or if anyone had previous experience with admittance from the waitlist.