The Wait List

Where on that website did you see the list of schools that have openings

@BugOffA it is entirely possible these are FP only slots, but it never hurts to ask
FA does put a crimp in things. And when I sign in to the website, it gives me the option on the side regarding list of schools with openings

@skieurope is this ok??? If not, remove it!

@buuzn03 The link went through, although I guess technically I should get it blocked at some point.

I wasn’t sure if I could or not. Sorry—just thought it would be more helpful.

@buuzn03 very true and I am sure that is what it could be. Being FP spots only. She was recruited by the coach boarding school was the farthest thing from our minds. He saw her play and asked her to come visit. So we did loved it and applied. I truly think the FA is holding her back and on the waitlist. So disappointing. But there still could be chance we aren’t giving up hope.

^you may still look at some of the others on the list, if you only have WL options
it is worth a shot

@buuzn03 that is strange I just went on the link and PSA is no longer on the list of schools with openings? interesting?

@buuzn03 my error went to the wrong list past that Abbey is on there.

I will never dispute an email @buuzn03 received ( ever! ) but don’t get too excited about Pomfret. I’ve been told that this was a very big year and they do have a WL , but it never hurts to call and confirm !! You never know!!

IDK about the WL status for the others, but if it’s true that Portsmouth Abbey and Canterbury has openings after their last Revisit Day- don’t even give it another thought if you need to go to BS next fall . CALL THEM NOW and SUBMIT AN APP STAT before word gets out. Pomfret, Canterbury and Portsmouth Abbey are Top 35 schools and will give ANY student a world class education. Go to their websites and see for yourself. What are you waiting for?

FYI- Portsmouth Abbey and Canterbury are both Catholic BSs. Families of all faiths attend both schools. It is not a big deal for anyone I know unless it is to you . :wink:

@PhotographerMom I was suspect about some of those schools, as well. But hey
you never know—it may be worth looking into, so I thought I’d share

Absolutely!!! :slight_smile:

Many, if not all, of the students on the waitlists are “financial aid waitlisted”.

You don’t know that @Publisher. Yes, many kids are on a WL for FA. It’s also a fact that if schools don’t have the right candidate(s) from their initial FA pool, they won’t just go ahead and award FA just to award it. It’s always kept in reserve for the right candidate(s). That’s why it’s very smart for any Waitlisted FA family to call other schools ( not on their original list ) and talk to the DOA about a possible app.

You never know: Your kid might be the perfect FA candidate the ( OTHER ) school has been waiting for but you’ll never know if you don’t call.

"FA Waitlisted " status at one school is all the more reason to call another . :wink:

thank you for all your thoughts. it’s been very trying with all the visits especially since PSA is 10 hours from us to go there and be recruited to find out you are on the waitlist even when you do have a hook as hockey, girls hockey to boot. we were not asking for full FA but about 80% so even with her awesome talent thats where we stand. I will have to look at those others schools. We just finished applying to Northwood (great hockey school) today. We went there last week to meet the coach and see the school. So we will see how that goes.

Also PSA resist days are just this week tomorrow and Friday for accepted students

@BugOffA you can also search schools by sport on and then cross reference with the openings list. My daughter was turned down at Proctor as a late applicant last spring because they were holding out for a hockey player. They take their hockey pretty seriously at most BSs. You may get lucky yet.

+1000 @chemmchimney - Great suggestion for @BugOffA or anyone in the same position with an athletic hook on a WL ( FA or FP ) right now. Good luck!!

Does anyone know if the Episcopal high school, St. Georges or Blair Academy waitlists have moved in the past years?

@BugOffA of the schools that were on that list, KUA & Tilton have a history of strong hockey programs. So, they may be looking for a hockey girl! Good luck!!