The Wait List

thanks @serioussweetie !

Has anyone got calls from Exeter or Andover? It seems SPS has taken a few out of waitlist from previous posts, is that true?

Exeter will not be going to the waitlist. They distinctly told us we they were overbooked when we told them we got off the waitlist at Hotchkiss. As for us, the Hotchkiss admissions office contacted us at around 3 pm EST. They expected a response within a day. I am a FP ninth grade boy.

Congrats Academy123 ! It is sad to know Exeter is not moving to the waitlist.

Anyone hear anything from Milton?

Will Exeter be sending an email to the WL students saying they won’t be moving to the waitlist this year?

Regarding posts that say your school has closed their WL
 Please disregard these posts unless you’ve received the same letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO.

Does anyone know if Loomis Chaffee is going to their WL for 11th grade?

 when do most elite schools make the waitlist call/invites? If a school goes to its waitlist, would the first picks have happened tonight or do most wait until the day AFTER contracts are due? Who has info about what most schools have done in years past? Curious if 1st round of waitlist calls would have happen ASAP (tonight) or if schools give a midnight courtesy to 1st round draft picks

Hey I would recommend you post and keep a steady eye on the Waitlist thread here on Prep School Admissions. A lot of people have updates on different schools and if there is movement on Phillips Exeter you will probably be notified from someone there.

I have talked to Exeter, they said they expect no movement on the waitlist this year.

Does anyone know if there has been waitlist movement with any of the schools? Specifically Phillips Exeter?

What grade are you applying for? My AO said that every year they take off 5-25 students, which I thought was odd since the FAQ page said it’s more like 0-15

@kara23 what school are you referring to that takes 5-25 off their wait list?

@BugOffA Exeter

I wonder if we will see more movement in the next couple days off wait lists now that the deadline of A10 has come and gone?

@KnightsDude Looks like your thread from yesterday got deleted. Did you get in to Andover as a day or boarding student?

I really feel for people on any BS WL - "elite " ( OMG ) or otherwise but this kind of stuff is off the rails and defies common sense. Do you think we have a crystal ball ? Plus - it really doesn’t matter what schools have done with their WL in the past because it’s different EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Here’s what you need to know right now :

1. DISREGARD all "waitlist update" posts unless you've received the same letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO. Why? Because if you did not receive the same information it may not apply to you. Make sense?

I think my face is actually turning blue at this point 

2 Most Waitlist movement happens mid-late April but it can also happen ANYTIME before school begins- especially in July when tuition is due. Life intervenes, plans and finances change.... but please know that any movement during the summer is still very, very rare. In other words- don't hang your hat on it and move on with your life.

3 This is not the NFL . There are no "rounds". They are building a Class so they'll move kids off the WL that fit their criteria for that specific slot . In other words, your stats ( no matter how spectacular ) will NOT help you now plus only the AOs know who they really need. We sadly don't.

4 If you need BS enrollment for next year, I'd start calling now and ask other schools if they'd consider an app. Some schools will encourage you to apply ASAP and some won't but you'll never know unless you start working the phones..... and FWIW- you're not the only family calling around right now ( FP or FA )- so get on it and be proactive. ;)

5 If you've already decided to apply again : Let this year go and start planning for the next cycle. This includes evaluating your results ( what do your results tell you? ) and rebooting which will require solid and meaningful research for the next round.... In other words: Branch out and include new schools even if you'd like to give some WL/ Rejection schools another whirl. You're older and wiser now- right? Good.

6 Take a long walk/ run and clear your head. Let it go. Log off and take a break. Get your power back and don't allow something ( you have absolutely no control over ) rent space in your head. You can still remain hopeful if you wish, but hopefully not at the expense of all the other things you love or truly matter.

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Someone said there is no movement on waitlist for ninth grade from Exeter. Will there be movement for tenth grade app?

@sadresult - With all due respect: Why don’t you call the Exeter AO directly and ask?