The Worry Thread (Parents Only Please; Kids can Worry on the Chances Forum)

<p>@twinsmama, </p>

<p>In our case, our daughter is the one who initiated the whole boarding school idea. It really wasn’t on our radar. Her brother opted not to apply, despite strong qualifications (National Merit PSAT, Top 100 in chess, sub-7 2K rowing in novice year) – even with subtle pressure to apply from me. </p>

<p>Someone once told me that the boarding schools like to get brother-sister pairs, and that it increases your odds. After reading about how competitive it is to get in for upper year, I think it is good that only one on my twins applied – otherwise they would be competing with each other for those coveted slots. Your kids are younger so the odds are more in your favor so that twin thing may work to your benefit. Hope so. </p>

<p>Where are you applying? </p>

<p>I would rather not say until after 3/10, but my son is applying to 7 schools and my daughter to 5 of those. We were asked at some schools whether they should be considered a package (waitlist or deny them both if they only wanted one) and we said no. I definitely did not get the impression that it would be easier to get two kids in than one! I was told by one AO that the odds are a little better with a boy and girl because they are not directly competing against each other for spots.</p>

<p>I’m freaking out a little. Good luck to all of our kids! </p>

<p>I remember how stressful this wait can be. The evening of March 9th is the absolute worst, and we all went out to a nice family dinner to ease the tension. There is also confusion on the morning of the 10th if decisions aren’t showing up online when you were expecting them. We found 2 in our spam folders. Then there is the decision on whether to send your child to school when so many in the class will be getting decisions from the same BS’s. And if a decision comes in when your child is at school then do you text them or wait? My palms are sweating just thinking about all this again!</p>

<p>Best of luck to all the applicants and their families during this admissions cycle. All will end well!</p>

<p>Not to mention some decisions come in the actual mail… as in USPS! :)</p>

<p>I took my sister out for lunch and a little window shopping yesterday. Even though she’s a BS alum herself, she’s been really stressed out lately. </p>

<p>You know… it’s one thing to read about BS stress here (on CC) and quite another to be confronted with it from across a table. At the end of our day together, I dropped her off with a new (or perhaps renewed) appreciation for everything one can be feeling right around now. </p>

<p>My heart goes out to her ( and to all of you, too). All the best to everyone M10. </p>

<p>My heart also goes out to everyone waiting to hear from schools on M10. It is a terribly stressful and confusing time. It can be very isolating. Very few people understand what you are going through and support systems aren’t readily available. </p>

<p>Wishing all the applicants and families participating in this round the very best. Hang in there, y’all!</p>

<p>(There will be new Ben and Jerry’s flavors out this week. That may help with this last fretful home stretch!!)</p>

<p>The decision letters from the school Moosieboy applied to went out yesterday, and we are all nearly nauseated waiting for the mail truck to make its rounds!!! A neighbor halfway down our street texted that she just saw the mail truck at her house, but there is an apartment building between them and us, so we won’t know anything for another 30 minutes at least. And that’s IF the letters were processed in time to go out in today’s mail… I kind of wish they would just email their decisions, but it is much more personal (yet absolutely nerve-wracking) to get the physical letters in the mail…</p>

<p>NO letter today either… SIGH! So it’s on the slow train and, barring we get more snow than they’re predicting, it should be here on Monday… Will update if and when we find out!</p>

<p>OMG @moosiechica88 good luck!</p>

<p>Awwww… thanks, @stargirl13!!! We moms worry not only for our own kids but for all of you guys going through this grueling process!!! Waiting till M1 was hard enough (though now it’s here and almost past with no decision letter yet…), I can’t imagine you poor kiddos waiting till M10! Hoping you can all stay distracted long enough to make it go by faster. We’ve been on February break and stayed home (I had migraines all week…), so WAY too much time to obsess! LOL!</p>

<p>Think of the kids awaiting college decisions. They trickle in from December to April 1st. I always thought it was cruel that so many colleges use April Fool’s Day as the D day. :D</p>

<p>Good luck to your dc, Moosie. Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>So now just a week until M10. Have to say that I’ve thought about the possible outcomes more over the last few days than I had in the previous few weeks…no real reason why.</p>

<p>I just keep thinking, “What the heck are we going to do with her if this doesn’t work out?” Public is not an option here, for several reasons. </p>

<p>I hope that something works out for for your DD @Rellielou! </p>

<p>Hi everyone, I am not sure if this is a good place to post this but, I am SO worried ! DD got into JR Boarding school.
I wanted to thank ALL OF YOU ! Couldn’t have done it without you!!
So I am worried I will never stop crying!!</p>

<p>Congratulations!! JBS is a wonderful experience- Your DD is in for a fantastic ride!!</p>

<p>@babykins: There are a number of JBS parents on the board who should able to help answer any questions you or your child may have. Congrats, btw!</p>

<p>@Rellielou: I feel for you. Fingers (and toes) crossed.</p>

<p>Thanks, DD is adopted and I feel like I just got her and now she is leaving so I am really on an emotional roller coaster. Although, she is 100% on board and super excited about going, I am worried for her.
A funny thing the school asked her “Do you hate your mom?” She said NO ! thankfully LOL
Such a shame public schools are such a mess!!</p>