The Worry Thread (Parents Only Please; Kids can Worry on the Chances Forum)

<p>OH MY WORD, the STRESS!!! We finally got the letters in the mail, but Moosiehubs wants to BE HERE when we open them, and he’s in a meeting until 6:30!!! GAAAH!!! One is school catalog-sized (so I’m assuming ADMISSIONS???), the other regular letter-size (I’m assuming Financial Aid award)??? So I’m playing the BIG-TIME “tea leaves” game and assuming they would never send a large rejection letter? RIGHT? And they wouldn’t bother sending a FA letter if they were rejecting him, RIGHT? Of course, it all hinges on whether or not he got enough FA to afford sending him, but I’m DYING to find out, and still have at least another 2 hours before we will know for sure!!! I haven’t let Moosieboy even see the envelopes yet so he won’t get his hopes up (but I definitely have MINE up in 7th Heaven!!!)…</p>

<p>Ive seen more waitlist letters than any mother ever should, and NONE were big. :D</p>

<p>Thanks, @neatoburrito! I’m really hopeful!!! Now I’m just hoping the FA award letter is just as hopeful!!! LOL! I know it’s “just” day school, but for us, it’s a SUPER big deal! We never thought it would ever be possible for him to go to any school that required tuition, let alone this one particular school! I’m REALLY hopeful but SUPER stressed until we rip those “puppies” open!!! LOL!</p>

<p>I admire your restraint, @moosiechica88- I would have boiled the pot of water by now. </p>

<p>I recently read somewhere that you can also unseal a letter in the freezer… never tried that one before. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>@PhotographerMom - LOL! I am TRULY tempted, I am! But there is NO way I’d be able to contain my excitement if things are as they seem, so the kids would DEFINITELY know and then hubby would definitely know I “cheated!” I have a TERRIBLE poker face!!! I couldn’t even keep a straight face after coming in from getting the mail, so I think Moosieboy suspects…</p>

<p>I was just about to suggest STEAM and PhotographerMom beat me to it! Good luck. Fingers crossed here.</p>

<p>Good luck, Moosiechica, and may the odds be ever in your favor :D</p>

<p>Sounds promising so far! Please give us an update when you can. </p>

<p>Neato, I lost track of what was going on with your offspring. Everything groovy now? </p>

<p>@moosiechica88 did moosiekid get in?</p>

<p>@moosiechica88 I have the worst poker face! I swear I’m not lying…</p>

<p>Well we had a family “night out” and got to celebrate his acceptance!!! Got in with very generous FA. Not full, and it will be challenging to find the money for our contribution, but it’ll be doable one way or another. Lots of ramen noodles and pb sandwiches! LOL!</p>

<p>Congratulations @moosiechica88 !</p>

<p>Thanks, guys!!! I’ll still be checking in to see how everyone fared! I feel I’ve gotten to “know” so many of you and have shared in your same fears, anxieties, etc. As a mom, I feel myself really rooting for ALL of you guys to have your dreams come true on M10, as I would my own kids :slight_smile: Just know that whatever happens, you are all already SUCH incredible, amazing kids and will do AWESOME no matter where you are next year!!!</p>

<p>So happy for you!</p>

<p>@moosiechica88 congratulations! I’m so happy that it all worked out for your family! </p>

<p>Thanks, @twinsmama and @NYCMomof3!!!</p>

<p>Wishing all the moms and dads out there the very best. Naturally we’re all pulling for your kids, but you’re in our thoughts, too. Hope everyone is holding up… just know there are plenty of us here that know exactly how you feel right now. I’m leaving shortly to take my sister (waiting for decisions, too) out for brunch - she’s a wreck and she needs a reliable designated driver- ( that would be me). If I could take all of you out with us, I would! :slight_smile: Sending good thoughts your way! Good luck tomorrow!!</p>

<p>^^ ditto!</p>