The Worry Thread (Parents Only Please; Kids can Worry on the Chances Forum)

<p>Thanks @PhotographerMom! I’m definitely worried about the results tomorrow. DS has been stoic and acting a bit like he doesn’t care about the outcome, but I know that’s not the case. When I asked him if he wants me to open the mail tomorrow and check portals etc, he said “sure, whatever”. Because the school that he’s in now is excellent, he only applied to 4 other, very competitive schools. He knows that the odds are against him tomorrow and I’m sure he isn’t looking forward to the results. At this point, I still don’t know if I’ll open the mail while he’s at school, or wait for him. </p>

<p>Last year I think more schools still notified by mail; this year it seems that more are going electronic. The disadvantage of mail is that acceptances came express, rejections and WL often by snail mail, so kids who didn’t hear on the first day kept hoping against hope that their acceptances were somehow delayed. That was painful to watch. The advantage for the family though is that, when you DID get an acceptance, it was very obvious from the outside of each letter (congratulatory stuff written all over them), so, as a parent, you could totally know without opening it. It made the day much easier (and you could tell your kid or not), but the kid could have the fun of opening the letter. Maybe the portals are the same-- you can check and they won’t necessarily know you checked, but you can kind of prepare for what’s coming. And at least everyone knows on the same day. </p>

<p>I do like electronic better - I think that it’s better to hear everything on the same day. Still, we have 2 schools replying by letter (Thacher & Milton), 1 email (Cate) and 1 portal (Choate). It sounds like Thacher is already on the way so we will most likely get that tomorrow. Milton is a bit of an unknown. </p>

<p>I seem to remember from past years that those Milton letters were some of the last to arrive. Who know what this year will hold though.</p>

<p>I’m worried for some of the parents I have my fingers crossed for and especially for stargirl. Good news please!</p>

<p>^^With you on that for stargirl3 and a few others. Fingers and toes crossed.</p>

<p>stargirl3 needs to get into Andover. She’s such a great person and candidate.</p>

<p>I can’t stop thinking about Stargirl3. Am hoping she will have choices!</p>

<p>Worrying for the kids who have no options- We were there for a few days last year. Oy, that was hard! Also wanting to give their moms and dads hugs - it takes a village. I feel like eating a pint of ice cream and I don’t even have a child in this cycle! Hope some of you will be here for me ifChimneykid2 decides to go this route next year. Congrats to all the parents and applicants who did receive good news today - so many talented kids! </p>

<p>stargirl posted on the Wait List thread over on the Admissions board – no acceptances as of 3:14 PM. :(</p>


<p>That just doesn’t seem right. I hope all her results are not in yet.</p>

<p>^^^I meant the “Waitlist Dilemma” thread. All my hugs are with these kids right now.</p>

<p>I saw her results on the spreadsheet - a lot of waitlists, a couple no’s but no acceptances. :frowning: </p>

<p>I haven’t given up yet, guys. Your support means the world to me (not as much as an acceptance would mean, but well, I don’t have any to compare this to…).</p>

<p>Just paid our fall deposit and I think I’m gonna barf. Hold me.</p>

<p>^^^You’ll get to do this several more times. You’ll get used to it. ;)</p>

<p>Haha. Thanks. :(( </p>

<p>@booklady123, Your pain and suffering (I.e., that dose of reality) gave me a good laugh. Breathe into a paper bag. All will be well. And my daughter seems fine with our arrangement. :wink: Best of luck to you and your son!!!</p>

<p>@booklady123 - you and me both!!! I just paid our deposit as well and am in the process of finding a part-time job so we can pay for the BIG chunk due on July 31!!! I’m SO grateful for our FA award and it was SUPER generous, but boy, the PFC we’re left with is slightly more difficult to come up with than we initially thought… If it were spread out, it wouldn’t be half bad, but we opted for the 65/35, with the big payment due at the end of July and the remainder in November. The monthly payments added a finance fee each month, so we figured we’d eat Ramen noodles for the next four months in order to get the bulk of it paid off. I’ll have to search threads on how to save money to pay for tuition! LOL!</p>

Thank you for leading :wink:

  1. I don’t know… a lot of creative debt, I think… and life insurance and/or working till at least 75.
  2. I understand if you apply FA, your D’s school will figure total education expenses and assume your S’s school provide half aid needed and provide only the other half aid to D if YOU do receive it.
    I told DS he will need to go to in-state and/or full-ride college and he is already worried about college. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Never too early to lower expectations.
  3. Me threatening to take away electronics privileges? Actually I have no worries here see 5)
  4. I’m thinking DS will get a crew cut every month or so at home or locally while I visit. I had a colleague who shaved his head once a year and let it grow as long as it would for the rest of the year.
  5. I have no worries here for DS but I worry who will be our comedian at home? :((

Back to planning … putting the dates from school yearly calendar to my personal and home calendar…

Booked the tickets for the move/first day of BS, only because it’s Southwest and there is no change fee/penalty.

That leads to
How would traveling solo go? He won’t be 15 for another year and half but looks much older.