theatre drama program

<p>hello everyone,
I'm a student from New Jersey who's going to Mcgill next year ( class of 2010, hoorayy!) And i just wanna ask if there's a theatre/drama major or minor or whatever kinda course like that offered at Mcgill.
I dont seem to find it in the Course selection book they sent me, but i heard that it is actually hidden within the education dept. is that true, can somebody help??? tks.</p>

<p>bump this really old thread.
similar situation, any help would be much appreciated.</p>

<p><a href=“Arts Undergraduate Programs | 2010–2011 Programs, Courses and University Regulations - McGill University”>Arts Undergraduate Programs | 2010–2011 Programs, Courses and University Regulations - McGill University;

<p>[Minor</a> Concentration English - Drama and Theatre (18 credits) | Programs, Courses and University Regulations - McGill University](<a href=“Arts Undergraduate Programs | 2010–2011 Programs, Courses and University Regulations - McGill University”>Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration English - Drama and Theatre | 2010–2011 Programs, Courses and University Regulations - McGill University)</p>

<p>ACCORDing to that, it seems like i cant take any performance oriented courses if i choose the minor program instead of the major? :S</p>

<p>Sorry, not familiar with that dept. I just found those links.</p>