<p>I am taking my first ACT exam with Writing this Saturday. I want to do well, but the practice tests that I took in the free booklet provided by the ACT itself, the Real ACT Prep Book, and Barron's ACT prep book tell me that I won't do well and that is destroying every bit of my confidence. </p>
<p>I took three timed practice tests and the average ACT composite score on these practice tests have been hovering around 25. All of the subject scores are somewhat consistent with each other and are from 23-26. </p>
<p>I know that less than a week in order to prep probably won't do no good, but what can I do in order to boost my confidence? I just thought I'll ditch the April exam altogether and pay for the June exam, but I felt that it would be a waste of the fee waiver that my GC gave me in order to pay for the April exam.</p>