<p>frostburg: That whole "yay I can install 3 times" thing is not good. It's your software, you should have unlimited installs. Luckily MS doesn't pay attention.</p>
<p>The reason it's bad is for people like me, who reformat once every 6ish months, to keep up good computer cleanliness. I need to reinstall from the ground up, and if I was restricted by reinstalls (and I mean practically, not in a EULA sense which I just ignore) I wouldn't buy the software.</p>
<p>Also, that "external battery that is part of the cord" isn't an external battery at all, it's an adapter. Please, don't give computer advice when you don't know what you're talking about.</p>
<p>As for the OP's list:</p>
<p>Extra battery - You can if you want. I wouldn't because I'm cheap and don't need it, and it probably won't be required for several years at least for a new laptop. Also, it's not like you can realistically charge it and carry it with you, nor can you hotswap batteries.
Carrying Case - Definitely.
USB Key: Sure, if you'd like and don't have one already. I use my iPod because it's always on me anyways and works for file transfer. To nitpick again, they didn't replace CDs or floppies at all - they fit into the niche of personal small data storage, while CDs still dominate their niche (larger data storage, especially for mass production) and floppies are still used (for low-level computer tasks requiring native data access support, for example).
Keyboard cleaner: I don't really think it's that necessary unless you have tons of dandruff or something. I have like 5 cans, but I also use it for dusting the inside of my desktop, which accumulates tons of dust due to having big intake fans (not all of which are filtered).</p>
<p>As for other things:</p>
<p>A wireless, travel USB mouse (one of the ones that has its transmitter in a compartment inside it so it doesn't get lost and can be taken out to use).
Mousepad is optional - most mice don't really need them, and unless you really want one it's unnecessary.
Ethernet cable for when you need internet access and your wireless isn't working - and in your dorm room. Also, Ethernet cable is always useful to have.
For sound purposes, get either headphones or external speakers - I'd personally suggest headphones. Laptop speakers suck.
If you plan to literally use the laptop on your lap a lot, get a laptop desk to protect your genitals from overheating.
Any programs that didn't come with it - antivirus, etc.</p>
<p>Other than those generic things, it depends on what you're using the laptop for. Any further details?</p>