Things to do over the summer?

I am volunteering at a local place on Fridays, but I want to do more things. I don’t have that much money for a summer program and I looked everywhere for jobs but they are all taken. Is there anything I can do?

  • volunteer more where you are currently
  • volunteer at your local library or hospital
  • start studying to get ahead on next year's classes
  • study a subject you are interested in that your school doesn't offer
  • ask to shadow a professional in a career you are interested in
  • see if any local professors will let you assist in their research
  • write and submit articles for a local magazine/newspaper
  • write a novel
  • start a business
  • practice and improve at a sport/hobby
  • start a new sport/hobby
  • start a club
  • tutor younger kids
  • look at and visit colleges
  • study for the SAT/ACT/PSAT

There are plently of things to do if you get creative! :slight_smile:

@Madeline25 Thanks for the list

jobs for you may be available in the summer at any sort of office, such as real estate agencies, insurance companies, doctors offices, car dealerships, banks, etc. These jobs may involve answering the phones, filing papers and other office work.