Think I Will get in IVY's

<p>This is the same message as one above, i just changed the title; thought it was too boring.
Hey guys, i am new to this site. My Name is Lonely. I reside somewher in Southern Cali. I could use some guidance from you guys and critique regarding my applications:
College Applied to:
UC Davis
Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>SAT I: Verbal 720 Math 650 Writing 660
Sat II's: Math II-700 Bio-740 U.S 710
Taken 6 AP's U.S-5,Bio-5,Chem-4,Art hist-5,Lang-5,World hist-4
Senior Year taking 6 More
GPA 98.71 Class Rank 11/400
EC's: Have too many to list, Alot of volunteer hours at hospital all four years, all my EC have to do with medicine or Science or Sport (swimming)
Big Hook on medicine long poignant story don't want to bore you guys
Essays-Emaculate reveal my attachment to medicine and school
No Legacies
I am originally from Czech Republic English not my first language, my parents both Bachelor Degrees.
I have not had the chance to raise my sat's i work alot as a waiter b/c my family is middle-low Average, have 3 siblings. Work about 14 hrs a week.
Spent my summers doing academics and academic programs at various universities
Hmmm... don't know what else to mention. Thank you all for your honest critiques.</p>

<p>Make sure to write in your essay about being that why your Writing score is not so high? I think your low math score will keep you out of UPenn, Dartmouth, and Stanford. Good luck, I think you are in at Davis, Emory for sure.</p>

<p>I used to be a major athlete until some things have changed my life mid way through high school. I could care less abuot school. I wrote about that in my essays. In fact my first sat's were both 590M 590V.... I thought it was most important to emphasize that</p>

<p>There alot of views on the thread but no replies---- Please!</p>

<p>Your sat's are kind of low and the only stuff that might make up for that (your EC's), you aren't explaining.</p>