Thinking about grad school

<p>I'm about to graduate in December from the University of South Florida with a double major Economics/International Studies. </p>

<p>My overall GPA will probably end up around 3.1
last 60 hours around 3.3-3.4.<br>
Economics GPA(complete) - 2.7 (I started off with C's. Once i finally 'got' econ I finished out my last 6 classes with a 3.47 gpa)
International Studies GPA(in progress) - 3.2 and will probably end up 3.4
Internship with the county Economic Development Department this summer.
Can speak French.... intermediately.. lol.</p>

<p>I haven't taken the GRE yet but I usually do really really well on tests like that and am already prepping. </p>

<p>I'm interested in International Development, What are some realistic choices/programs I should look into? I know my gpa and stuff wont get me into the top schools, i'm just having a hard time figuring out what are some places I should look into. </p>


<p>[International</a> Programs](<a href=“Global Development | CALS”>Global Development | CALS)</p>

<p>oh thanks!!! just sent in my app !</p>