Thinking of Applying ED! How's my outlook?

<p>Alrighty, folks. Buckle in! Here's what I've got.</p>

<p>I am a rising junior at a good, large (2700+ students) public high school that does not rank its students. I live in Northern California, and have dual Pakistani-American nationality/citizenship. I was born in Pakistan, and speak Urdu and Hindi with native fluency, and Mandarin with adept conversational skills.
I hope to concentrate something along the lines of policy, while studying chinese. My goal is to work on an MSW afterwards and work in social services!</p>

<p>GPA/ Courses:</p>

<p>Freshman year- 3.89 uw, no AP, but unweighted honors English & History.
Sophomore year- 3.3 w, 3.19 uw (welp. Euro was my AP, again, unweighted honors English.)
Junior year- (predicted) 3.71 uw, 4.14 w (APES, AP Lang, APUSH.)
Senior year- (predicted) 3.71 uw, 4.6 w.</p>

<p>Total- 3.65 uw, 3.98 w. Give or take!</p>

<p>Honors track for English/History, "varsity" academics, highest GPA in school's Women's basketball program.
Soph: Euro.
Junior: Env. Sci, Lang, USH.
Senior (predicted): Lit, Gov, Psych, Calc AB, Bio, Chinese, Macro/Micro</p>

<p>Standardized test scores
ACT: Took w/o prep at the end of Soph year- Composite 29
English 28 Math 30 Reading 31 Science 25 (oops?), Essay 8 (merp)
Not planning on retaking or submitting.
SAT: Just took this October, 720 CR, 730 M, 710 W (9 essay). Should I retake?</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities, my pride and joy!
Elected to national rights council with major organization.
Founder and president of school's Girl Up (UN Campaign related). 140+ registered members.
Treasurer of school JSA, cabinet member, assembly representative, awarded best speaker gavel multiple times. I also write for the national paper of JSA.
Science Alliance mentor, the lovely kid I mentored last year took first in his category
Work 45+ hours/week during summer with art/science camp kids, youngest to be hired by the company.
Polyglot! I study Arabic and Farsi at home with my parents, Inuktitut on my own, Chinese at school. The only non-native speaker in the program.</p>

<p>Hooks? I'm unsure. First in family to attend school in the states. Identical twin. I like puppies.</p>

<p>I think you’ve gotten no responses because it’s hard to say for you. You’re ECs and your test scores are good, but your GPA is a little low for CC. You clearly have a good sense of humor, so make sure that comes through on your essays. You also seem like you’d be an interesting addition to the school, and they also like that. I don’t think you need to retake your SATs. I’d focus on raising your GPA a bit if you can. </p>

<p>^^I agree. Your GPA is going to be the only thing standing in your way, and it is the first thing looked at/most weighted :frowning: your SAT’s are good, no need to retake. already at their upper 75% i’m pretty sure. Just make sure you write a bomb essay and have good teacher recs</p>

<pre><code> Thank you for the replies! Yeah, my GPA is really inconsistent- surprisingly enough, high school has actually been my best school experience. Make no mistake, I’m doing everything I can to get my GPA up! I actually failed middle school (oops?) + performed poorly sophomore year for nearly the same reasons, and I think it will be something I touch on in my essays- how the education system was unaccommodating, overly crowded, etc., as opposed to CC’s block system, small campus, fantastic student-faculty ration. Now I’m just fangirling, but I’m also a huge hockey/nature fan, and I’ve been daydreaming more than a little about Colorado since I heard about CC!

I’m also looking at schools like New College of Florida, UM-Twin Cities, UW-Seattle as possible matches, UW-Madison, UM-Ann Arbor, Barnard as reaches. I’ll never know if I don’t try, right? Again, thanks, ya little rascals! I’ll be sure to post back!