Third Window sucks :(

<p>yeah, i have to be in class by 9 or 8 45 every morning. every morning. am i ****ing stupid?</p>

<p>likely. </p>

<p>i had to get up at 5 of 6:00 every morning to beat the family into the shower for HS</p>

<p>Plenty of people get up early, but once you have the freedom of not waking up before noon for a semester you'll change your tune about how acceptable it is. Plus, a lot of parties go from 10pm-2am, under the assumption that 2am is a reasonable time to be up because most people will avoid 8:30amish classes and instead start around 10am. The campus is more of a night campus than it is an early morning campus.</p>

<p>Do a lot of first semester freshmen really party until 2am on weekdays? I'm sure it's not the norm until you get to West campus, right? How much and how late did you all party as freshmen, particularly first semester freshmen?</p>

<p>Call me crazy, but I personally like the idea of starting early and endng classes at 2:30 and having the rest of the day free. That, plus the jazz dance class I really wanted to fit in, is the reason I'm going to wake up so early. It seems like the majority of late wakers on college confidential wouldn't be the majority at a school like Duke with so many athletes. I'm surprised! haha</p>

<p>few people go out on nights other than thurs-sat during the first semester. with rush and pledge second semester, people are out all the time.</p>

<p>The weekend starts on Thursday, generally, so having an 8:30am class on Friday is more likely to cramp your style than any other class. I'd say that there's not a big difference involved in moving to West Campus in terms of schedule and lifestyle, in general.</p>

<p>You can find out the way you want to do things on your own once you get to Duke... don't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>Since so many intro classes are MWF, I couldn't imagine too many freshmen getting wasted on Thursday nights first semester? Oh well. I'll figure it out, like you said :) Thanks for the responses.</p>

<p>Oh they definitely do though. The girls on my hall would go out every thursday and just not wake up til noon the next day, regardless of class or whatever. And then there are people who plan their entire schedule around going out Thursday night. It's just a personal thing I guess. Of course, for those who go out on Thursdays there's just as many who don't.</p>

<p>for serious.
i will never forget the night i planned on staying in and sleeping, and instead getting wasted on a thursday night with my presentation partner. we were up, showered, and dressed to give a 45 minute presentation (still tipsy, might i add) and the professor adored it. people go out on thursday night (and sometimes its the "hardest" i go out all week) regardless of having class the following morning! i definitely think more people go out on random weeknights once you get to west, because those random weeknights are big bar nights. i only do it if i don't have anything pressing and i have friends who want to go. i don't think i went out as many thursday nights freshman year as sophomore year, and when i did, freshman year was more going to shooters or parizade and sophomore year it was drinking at friends' fraternity sections.</p>

<p>as for waking up early, i'd wake up between 6:30 and 7 for HS yet upon reaching college i am physically incapable of waking up for any class earlier than 10:05. (well it'd be a war getting me out of bed and into a classroom, but feasable, i suppose). i get to sleep much later in college than i did in high school-- and sometimes it wasn't even based on academics or hanging out, sometimes it was my roommate being inconsiderate.</p>

<p>word... haha</p>

<p>word indeed</p>

<p>congrats on #100 ozym</p>

<p>oh guys, you embarass me!</p>