This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Overall I liked this episode…but the new moms driving really was nonsense! Especially the new moms with multiple births, and Rebecca, who not only had multiples but was grieving as well. Oy! :grimacing:


But GIRL POWER, because those moms got it done. :wink: :slight_smile:

Also not important, but WOW those car trips home were so long I think they ALL drove through Michigan to get home! :slight_smile:

More interesting context between Beth and Randall about how important it is to him to leave family imprint. While I wanted to slap him for fussing with Beth about having another child before her birth wounds were clean, this was indication for future fostering/adopting.

We also said that this show made us realize how little time the show overall has given to Rebecca (and Jack) grieving for the child that died. Randall while welcome wasn’t a “replacement” for the loss.

Who loved Beth when she wanted 10 minutes of silence while she ate her DQ? Haha.


I agree it seemed like nonsense, but Madison’s doing so was based on giving Kevin time to cool down, and Rebecca may have very well suspected with Jack did. (after all, he prob had several days to fill the tank while Mom and the babies were in the hospital)

My favorite line of the whole episode was Beth chiding Randall for saying that he wanted a son to throw a ball with when he would watch Felicity with his mother every week in college!


I thought it was just an OK episode with a couple good moments. I don’t like the “talking to dead people” scenes. I had a strong suspicion that was grown up Deja, I thought she looked and sounded very much like 16 year old Deja. I find it amazing how the actors of all the generations look and act like each other. The casting crew have done a marvelous job.


I love that…August born in February:)

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I need to rewatch, but I thought it was mentioned in the scene that the one driving up was a female, but I could be wrong. If so, the curve ball could be that it is Malik’s daughter if it is more than 10 years, or Tessa’s SO.

I never notice anything, but I knew that was adult Deja and Annie! I even told my husband as we were watching, and knew that was Tessa with Randall.

Edit to add-Deja is most likely in Medical School, as if she was in Residency, she wouldn’t be completing a rotation not in her field. If she was in something like Family Practice she would, but if in most other fields, she wouldn’t be hanging around Labor and Delivery.


That works in real life but as we know, the writers don’t always get their facts strictly correct. See buying whisky at the gas station in Pennsylvania, which is as most residents know, ludicrous


And some people on this thread have said they don’t care about these types of things- geography, rules, etc. That’s okay but it is puzzling that the writers, fact checkers haven’t done a better job with some of the common sense angles from the beginning. Walking out of a hospital with a 3rd baby because you lost a child- no extensive looking into that, just give them the baby. . The writers have played fast and loose with the facts from the beginning but we still care about these characters. So , they seem to have known what they were doing!


Jack and Hailey would only be about 12 and 10 years old, so an adult would have to be driving them…maybe Kate.

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Loved Madison and Kevin. I am really rooting for them. They haven’t said I love you yet, have they?

I think the writers had Randall be so obnoxious about pushing the third child on the way home from the hospital in order to tie in the branches of his family speech and the 3 kids he ended up with after all.

I absolutely loved the last 3 minutes of this episode…starting when the Bread song began. The flash backs to the kids growing up in the car. Then ending with Deja saying, “it goes faster than you think.”
Yes, the drive, but so obviously Life. Loved it!:heart:


You’re right … so maybe it’s Kate with Jack and Hailey or Madison with Franny. Haven’t we only seen their son Nick on the future scenes and not Franny?

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Yes, that’s definitely possible…

I was so stressed out while Madison was in the hospital. Do y’all remember that someone on this thread, maybe @tx5athome , hypothesized that Madison would die in childbirth because of her weakened heart from the eating disorder? That has cast a pall over that whole pregnancy, because it’s the exact kind of thing they’d do that I would never occur to me.

I was very glad to be wrong that Madison didn’t die during childbirth!!


Argh…no show this week? I hate when it’s off and on like this thru the season.


I’m hoping it’s Toby in the car. I think in the episodes way back they said Kate was already there somewhere in the house. I am trying to remember back to see if Nick’s mother was mentioned in those first future episodes.

Toby is already inside the house.

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Thank you! I only remembered that Randall had called Toby way back and he said he wasn’t coming. I forgot about these scenes. Now I’m thinking maybe Kate isn’t alive in the future.