This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I though it was a new kid group as well.


They are the same as from season 5: Isabella Rose Landau (Kate), Kaz Womack (Kevin), and Ca’Ron Jaden Coleman (Randall)

Kids grow up.


I liked the analogy of Randall to Holden Caulfield. That’s accurate.


Re: the example of Randall bailing out the guy to go to the shelter
 Randall knew the guy might not show up - that once that bail was posted, he really was free to do what he wanted. But Randall feels deeply, often leads emotionally. He takes a chance on humanity. He even said to Beth he could get burned. He did. But you brush yourself off and hope the next guy you try to help - and there will be a next guy - choses your help and guidance and the right/good path.

I didn’t give a thought to Kevin leaving that night being odd. He left a super awkward situation. Odd man out. Going back in the garage probably felt like hiding in Madison’s closet and he wanted to put some space between them.

Repeat. You’re not going to get tears in every episode like you get when a series is unfolding. This series is largely unfolded. What we have before us is what has been developed the previous 5 seasons. This is the wrap up. Tying the bow. Creating a little closure. We will cry before the end - or at the end.


I thought they’d keep using the same kid actors – the oldest group may have aged out and they’d bring in a new youngest group but the others can age up to the new stages in their lives. May depend on the availability and, to some extent, development of acting ability of the kids.

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I was in and out on this latest episode. Not the best, not the worst. But I’m ready for the next one.

Perhaps Rebecca’s inability to remember the word “Caboose” was more to show how she is worried about the future, even if it might not have been directly caused by her illness. (I’ve found myself worrying about Covid whenever throat tickles, even though it was probably something that happened all the time before just unnoticed).

Hey, at least Randall didn’t invite the home invader to come stay at the house. I was a little worried about that. His compassion though was admirable.


Who is watching tonight? That dinner was cringe-worthy.


My daughter said it was like a fever dream :joy::joy:

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And Malik and Deja

 also awkward. Buy interesting how they are weaving old and new love.

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Who is Edie?

I was wondering the same. Hope some of our experts have the answer!

Isn’t Edie the flight attendant?

Loved seeing the scenes between Rebecca and Miguel.


Yes, Edie was the flight attendant.

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Don’t remember the flight attendant
. what’s the back story?

@jym626 She was on tonight’s episode . She was the fight attendant on Nicky’s flight that he spoke with.

No back story on Edie. Introduced tonight.

I thought the best part of the show was the scenes for next week. :grimacing: I have a friend who does her texts like that in the car, and I’m always afraid her ds will be in the car when I text something rude/profane. :rofl:

That dinner 


I really thought I wouldn’t like this episode, because I had little interest in the Nicky and Sally story. However, I marveled at how well done this show is. The discussion at dinner over getting older, memories of youth, Alzheimer’s etc. was wonderful. I love Griffin Dunne’s acting as Nicky. However, I didn’t think his flirting on the plane with Edie was really in character.


I loved this episode! It’s so cool that Nicky finds love. I liked the scene with Malik, his ex-GF & the baby. And I really liked how Rebecca & Sally bonded.


Ah, ok, I see. I didn’t recognize her in the later scene.