This Is Us. Anyone watching?

My eyes got a little teary during this episode. Loved the talk about getting older, but agree with the friend who said going gray is liberating. I was sad that Sally didn’t seem to remember Nicky.

So Malik and Deja hadn’t had sex before? This is a little hard to believe.


I think Nicky needed to close the door on Sally in order to open himself up to a new relationship. I am glad that he finds love. I think Sally didn’t remember Nicky at first because there were a lot of Nicky’s.

The dinner was super awkward. I am glad Sally and Rebecca bonded and that Rebecca and Miguel went back to Salsa dancing.


It’s so funny when I don’t remember that Mandy Moore is actually young. When Rebecca was looking in the mirror and it switched to young Rebecca with the hair blowing in the convertible it was such a huge contrast. I think she does a fantastic job.

I’m guessing they are pretty much done with Nicky. Like in many series finales when each character gets their last hurrah. I don’t think we’ll learn any more about Edie. Although I’d love it if we did.

The dinner and all of Nicky’s comments - so funny. It was nice to laugh with this show for a change.

I also totally missed that Randall and Beth didn’t give Deja permission to go see Malik and was surprised that they’d allowed it. Only figured what happened out from the previews and then reading comments and it made much more sense. Next week should be interesting. Veep had a classic plot line where text messages automatically were read out loud to the embarrassment of everyone else in the car.

I liberated my hair to gray a few years ago. No regrets.


Dan Fogelman confirmed that the actor, Vanessa Bell Calloway, is in a recurring role.


I thought the exact same thing looking at Rebecca in the car. She looked so young! I looked it up and she’s only 37, but I have gotten so used to “old Rebecca” that it was a bit of a shock.

Excited to hear that Vanessa Bell Calloway will have a recurring role. Remember her in Coming to America? Anyone else remember her from All My Children? Here’s a scene with one of my all-time favorite characters, Angie Hubbard:


Did not realize that was Angie! I watched AMC in my youth (sick days and summer) and when nursing babies so long ago. Loved Angie.

She wasn’t Angie. The incomparable Debbi Morgan portrayed Angie for most of the run

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I don’t think @Youdon_tsay was saying Vanessa was Angie. She just posted a clip of her playing against the Angie character. She played Yvonne Caldwell on AMC according to Google.

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It was @mom2and who mistakenly said Vanessa played Angie. That is the person @skieurope replied to. Vanessa played Yvonne Caldwell on AMC.

Yes, sorry, I know @skieurope did not say she was Angie. I meant AMC , not General Hospital. I actually watched more of the CBS soaps with my mom growing up.

Glad Nicky seems to have finally found love!

Love that so many people know AMC and Debbi Morgan! lol

I have seen a few quotes from Mandy saying that she is younger than her adult kids. Funny to think about.

I agree that Nick needed to move on from Sally. He was so happy that he made her wall. Seeing that she didn’t forget him (at least not totally) seemed like it was enough. He was ready to move on and the flight showed it (a little forced but got the point across–whether it was that flight home or some point shortly thereafter).


@Youdon_tsay I always loved Debbi’s dimples! I watched CBS more but caught Debbi now and again with her very popular storyline back in the day . Debbi and Vanessa look nothing alike. I don’t really remember Vanessa but look forward to seeing her on This Is Us.
Will be interesting to see how the Nicky/Edie storyline unfolds.

Mandy Moore is 37.

All her “children” are older; Chrissy Metz is 41, Justin Hartley is 44, and Sterling K. Brown is 45.

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My college roommate and I got dressed up to watch Greg and Jenny get married on AMC. :joy:

Back to our regularly scheduled This Is Us programming…


In college I tried not to take 12 noon classes and I would watch AMC on campus on a big TV in the University Center. OK, now back to This is Us.


Since we have veered to AMC, my husband (then boyfriend) and I use to watch in his frat house common room with many others. Most made sure their class schedule allow them to be back at the house by 1:00.


LOL, just watched and couldn’t wait to watch so I could see why this thread had 30 new posts since last night - it’s because you all are talking about AMC!!! :laughing:

My recording cut off before the previews were done and the CBS isn’t any further help - what was revealed in the previews about texts? All I saw was Kevin leaving the movie theater.

Also, any know who the actor is who played Sally’s husband??? Where do I know him from???

I agree that Mandy is SO believable at all the ages she plays.

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Next week preview:

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Sally’s husband- Jeff Nordling.