This Is Us. Anyone watching?

@abasket - Every time I read your posts, I want to say “what abasket said”. :wink:

I am usually pretty good at suspending my disbelief with This is Us, regarding the time-space continuum and so forth :).

But I had to laugh when Kevin was showing the house plans with “Randall’s wing” etc etc and then all TWELVE of them somehow go up to bed and have a place to sleep in the little cabin since they are ALL staying there for Thanksgiving LOL

It must be one of those houses that is bigger on the inside than the outside.


I thought about that, too, but thought maybe Randall’s family drove home. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Driving home would require a different suspension of reality, one that someone mentioned earlier. Pennsylvania is not Rhode Island. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia is almost 5 hours. Even if this is an hour east of Pittsburgh, it’s not likely they drove home.

Cabin has a lot of pull out couches, murphy beds and sleeping bags.

It’s probably very similar to my summer share. Bunk beds, trundle beds, air mattresses, sleeping bags.

We saw bunk beds in an earlier season. Maybe when Madison was there?

We could theoretically sleep 14 in our cabin, even without cots. Beds, bunk beds, and sleeper sofas. We will have 8 people total up there at the end of July. It’s not a huge cabin.


And of course the old cabin will still be there for overflow. That’s what we were saying when Miguel asked about extra quarters for caregivers. But really most of the time there will be extra space at the big house, since the extended family will only be there for visits.

Is the plan for Rebecca and Miguel to live there full time?

Agree. But I thought she might pick Beth - Rebecca has known her forever, Beth would be a little more removed/less emotional since not Rebecca’s child…and I love Beth!


I thought this was the beginning of their breakup.

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It crossed my mind that he might get back together with the mother of his child who is in Boston now…but I’ve been surprised before.

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I already said I would pick Beth if I had to have a Pearson making end of life decisions for me in the absence of my ability to do so myself. But I think that would be a horrible place into which to put Beth. Would be telling the Big 3 that mom picked None of the Above before picking any of them. And there is potential for tension between Beth and Randall as well.


Just caught up on the thread and the last 2 episodes. Loved the last episode - everyone has already shared my thoughts and questions - that said I just bought a ticket to The Paley Center for Media Paley Fest talk with the entire cast and a special preview of an upcoming episode - I’ve only ever done a Paley Fest one other time, the Modern Family finale - which was spectacularly fun! Looking forward to this one as well (April 2). I promise no spoilers!


That’s super cool - please report back!


I caught a snippet of an interview with Justin Hartley who said they are still filming and don’t wrap until May! Do they know how the show will end?

The actors? Doubtful. They get the scripts a week at a time

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Sort of crazy. Even the actors don’t know how they will land! Must make going to work super exciting.

At one point early on in the show, I understood that Milo and Mandy knew how the show was going to end. Not sure if other cast members know at this point. Final shows are also being written so still things up in the air at this point (though final plot line has been known to writers since the beginning).

I know that typically the actors don’t know, but I have a vague recollection of the cast saying that at least the overall arc of the story was revealed. Given the flash forwards, they may know more about what is to come than in most shows.

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