This Is Us. Anyone watching?


Thanks for posting that!

Ha, yes
 they know both their characters will be dead at the end.


Remember Bobby Ewing on Dallas? :wink:

So is Cassidy back as a possible spouse? @abasket wouldn’t be happy with that. LOL

I was not liking this episode until the last 12 minutes or so. They brought it together nicely.


I kept going back and forth on that (as probably I’m supposed to). It’s Cassidy, no he was horrible to her about the foundation mistake, wait she’s looking all warm and fuzzy at him while Nicky and Edie are dancing, no she’s in a bad place, but he’s bonding with her son, no there’s been an accident - and it’s Cassidy! - she’s dead or injured badly, no she’s ok and Kevin is “there for her” and he gets it, no it’s Nicky sitting on her bed and holding her hand - Kevin wasn’t there for her the way she needed (on Nicky’s advice?), but he fixed up a room for her in the cabin, but she’s still snarky to him
 Soooo I have no idea if Kevin ends up with Cassidy or not.


I really liked the way they worked in the veterans storyline - the impact of the withdrawal from Afghanistan on Cassidy and about the other veterans working on the house. Big Three Homes = Kevin, Nicky and Cassidy + veteran employees?

Did anyone else think Kevin’s kids kept changing in size throughout the episode? It looked like he took a pretty large kid out of that car seat when he arrived at the cabin. And then other times they looked like younger babies.


Kevin: I’m sorry about, you know, being a dick earlier.

Cassidy: Uh, you mean, like, an hour ago, or, like, since I met you?



Was he with Kate’s kids some of the time and his own at others?

Kate wasn’t at the cabin so they would have been his – from the plane to the different cabin scenes it looked like more than 2 (or 4 if they are using identical twins) playing his kids.

LOL, correct I’m not the biggest Cassidy fan but I softened a bit after this episode. She needs some good professional help first before she needs any partner.

Pretty touching episode. As usual the music gets me in the gut. While the stewardess said “you’re good”, I so wanted someone to say, “you’re a good DAD”.

Kevin is always learning. He stumbles, but I think he really wants to shine off the stage.

Strange, the band Bread has been put in front of me like 3 times this week.


I feel that sometimes tv shows try to force veteran’s stories into the plot. But This is Us has had this narrative that is organic and a beautiful part of the series.

I love Cassidy and Nicky’s stories and how they weave together. Kevin is a bystander to the central theme. And how he uses his money not as a weapon but to help the people he loves. I think Kevin is basically a selfish person as I think an actor is. But instead of wielding his money, he uses it in an unselfish way. Shows the underlying goodness of Kevin.

I really liked this last story of Kevin. Showed real growth.


Completely not plot-related, but for the last several years, I have thought it is funny the size of the teenage actors compared to the adults. Teenage Beth is tiny - is she even 5’2? Sophie also. Randall and Kevin teenagers are on the slight size - especially Randall. Then you have adult Kevin who appears about 7 inches taller than as a 19-year-old. My random thought of the day!



3 inches. Justin Hartley is 6’2"

TBH, I’m OK with getting the best actors that have some type of resemblance. I liked Olivia Colman in The Crown even though she has brown eyes and stands 3" taller than the blue-eyed E2R


Is it me, or was the young Kevin at the pool last night a different actor than earlier seasons of Kevin at that age?

It’s not just you. But it’s the same actor, just another year older

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I must be drinking the Kool-Aid because I thought to myself during the show that the Kevins really are starting to resemble each other!


I thought the young adult Kevin of this week’s season did look more tall/“husky” - maybe it’s just his face.

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I think the young adult Kevin is doing a good job in adopting Justin Hartley’s mannerisms.