This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I’m in lite mode I think. Maybe that’s why?

I see the thumb on this post to which I am replying. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Wow lots of love for Madison! I’m surprised - and I’m clearly in the minority so far!!


Like is thumbs up so you should change the thumbs up reply to another emoji

@happy1 Yes, I didn’t pick anything because I was confused. I thought LIKE and thumbs up were the same. May need to start over to be accurate?

Let’s try again

:hugs: this post if you want Kevin to end up with Madison
:heart: this post if you want Kevin to end up with Sophie
:slight_smile: this post if you want Kevin to end up with Cassidy
:+1: this post if you want Kevin to end up with none of the above, but someone who can be a good partner and parent for the twins


Well, I guess I don’t think I can vote. I need another option- if not Madison, then someone new we haven’t seen yet. I don’t dislike Cassidy or Sophie either. I’m clearly too confused to vote! :slight_smile:

I can’t get my Madison hug vote to show, so people should just say a name.


Agree. Just a name or just share your thoughts. Unless all the options are working.

There is an option for someone else that is not Madison, Sophie or Cassidy! The last one!

2 strikes and I’m out and off the poll effort! :door:


The thumb up emoji is not working for me. Tried in 3 different posts.

But I’m for a new person!

It took a couple tries, but I was able to choose the hugs emoji by going into the emoji list thru the smiley face and then selecting the hugs emoji.

Usually, I can just click on an emoji that’s already at the bottom of the post to add mine, but that wasn’t working…

I’d prefer Madison for the whole twins and family thing.

1 Like

Even though my preference was for Sophie, I would be happy if he ended up with Madison as well, just as long as it is not Cassidy for all the reasons I stated before.

My DC noticed! And later it in the episode it was actually different.

Why, in any world, would Sophie try it AGAIN with Kevin? If she were my daughter I would be like No…!


Have you never seen an episode of The Bachelor?



I think if you’re using The Bachelor as a reason why Sophie would try again, it’s going to backfire! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :broken_heart:

Ha ha! Great point. Good for Kevin, bad for Sophie!! Same here, I would tell my daughter to run the other way.
