This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I’ve been thinking about the show a lot, and especially the “big 3” - over the series I think we’ve seen the most growth from Kevin (and I don’t think we’re done seeing his growth), the least from Kate (she is very broken and I think she needs therapy) and the most even from Randall.

I have come to adore Beth, and the relationship with her and Randall.

I have grown into loving (surprisingly) Miguel. I really turned a corner for him when they were playing the game at Thanksgiving - there’s something very tender and genuine I get from that character.

I was incredibly uncomfortable with Nicky, but since he has found love, I find him super likable.

I love the Pearson girls…all of them.

I like Madison.

I’m on the fence about Cassidy. Also Sophie.

I loved Jack, and miss him the most of those we don’t see often.



Miguel as Jack’s faithful friend…eh.

Miguel as Rebecca’s rebound love…eh.

Miguel as Rebecca’s life partner, companion, support, and family foundation…:heart::heart::heart:.


I always hope that we are going to have some kind of current-day redemption/appreciation/recognition from the siblings for Miguel, but I’m not sure it will happen.


So I googled Chrissy Metz the other day and saw some pictures of her much slimmer. I wonder if that will be part of the big reveal at the end.

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Oh, wow! I just looked. I really hope that’s the case.

I don’t know to which pictures you refer. But know that there are pictures out there with her head photoshopped on Melissa McCarthy’s body.

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Yeah, I’ve seen those too. Click bait.

Yes, her own pictures on IG, as recently as 5 days ago, do not show a weight lost.

goodness! click bait. Oh well, it is a theory that doesn’t appear to have legs!

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On the one hand I hate that she has had to endure 6 seasons of “do
You think Kate will
Lose the weight”….on the other hand for her personal Health as a young woman I wish she could make some strides with her weight health!


Deleted - trying to respond to abasket’s Kevin poll.

I also noticed the boy baby twin making the eat or hungry sign at his mouth when he was in one scene. It was so cute. And he’s just looking at the dude who is ignoring him (Kevin) then turns to look around for help, looking up obviously somewhere above the camera person. Too cute.


The only reason I think Kevin may end up with Madison is the flash forward to Kate’s second wedding where they seemed (in the brief scene shown) connected. Could be just as co-parents, however.

I was on a plane recently and re-watched part of the first two episodes. I had forgotten (or just hadn’t thought about) Madison being in the group with Kate and Toby and talking about her eating issues, even though she was really thin. Was interesting to revisit that.

I still think Uncle Nicky’s transformation, while great to see, has been quite abrupt. Hard to see the same guy that was so nervous about ringing Sally’s doorbell flirting successful with Edie (sp??) on the plane. But glad he is happy.


I can’t remember Madison’s current dude’s name but the show made a significant moment when he came outside to Kevin as he was leaving Madison’s house to let Kevin know that he was serious about the relationship and didn’t need Kevin’s assistance with anything (am I remembering it correctly?) - anyway do you think they would have bothered to have that moment if Kevin and Madison were going to get back together? It’s possible of course as the ending is years ahead but dude seemed serious about her.

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The dude made that statement. Madison didn’t.

True! Just looking in my mind for any signs of “not Madison” since I’m on Team Re-Unite With Sophie. :slight_smile:

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Elijah. But I don’t see this as lasting, even if Madison and Kevin don’t end up together.

Had a thought I wonder if when Nicky is bedside, as Rebecca is nearing the end,
she thinks he is Jack.
These mixups happen with advanced Alzheimers.

I had that thought as well.