This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I don’t want Kevin with Madison because I like her with Elijah. She seems to genuinely laugh with him unlike her constant exasperation with Kevin. She also seems to choose to be with him, unlike her constant exasperation when Kevin shows up while she is with him (ie she can be herself with Elijah but feels she has to be someone she isn’t when Kevin is there). Really, really can’t see her as the endgame for Kevin.

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I don’t know that Kevin was ever really into a relationship with Kevin except to be flattered by that night they spent together.

I forget how she met Elijah. I don’t know if I feel he’s her type either. It sort of seemed like they tried really hard to pick your average nice guy to play the part and he fills it!!!

Totally random but what about Kevin ending up with the vet construction manager at the house site? Not Cassidy, the woman he just met at the site. They seemed to share a “look” when they met. I like Cassidy but I just think she has too much baggage for Kevin. Madison is a big no for me and I would hope Sophie would have moved on with her life by now.

Not really looking forward to a Kate episode as she is just so glum and depressing. She complains about everything Toby does. It’s her choice not to move to SF with him. He has to support the family and couldn’t find a job in LA. Based on their house in the LA housing market, he must do pretty well.

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I think they met at her book club.

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I thought about that woman, too. And if he spends time on the Big Three Construction that would be an excuse to immerse himself in learning about the people and process, excuses to have them together.

ETA: I like Kevin more than most of you here, apparently.

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Kevin has been my favorite since the beginning.

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I love and enjoy Randall (and Beth!) so very much BUT I think I have always had the most compassion for Kevin. I think Justin Hartley does such a great job of being the famous hunky actor AND a very vulnerable side of the struggles he has had. You can make a list of his shortcomings, but he also has a long list of “good human” moments.


I love Kevin. I think he’s the only reason I’m still watching. Randall drives me crazy with his constant speeches and trying to fix everyone. Kate just drives me crazy period.


One of my very favorite episodes is the one that focused a lot on Kevin and Rebecca - the Pirates baseball card and the Joni Mitchell “Our House” episode. I only have sons. I am from Pittsburgh and watched lots of baseball growing up and sat in the bleachers with my dad at Pirates games. And played guitar as a teenager and in college and played and sang lots of Joni Mitchell songs ( with her crazy tunings). That episode really got to me.


Does Rebecca play the guitar? I can’t remember from her early days of singing if she was ever on the guitar.

WEPT at that one. :heart:


It was a very emotional one for me. My sons both played baseball for years , as well as other sports (basketball, volleyball, etc. ). I waited for an autograph at a Pirates game as a kid, decades ago, and still remember the guy’s name. He was not at all a star player but I still remember his name-Frank Bork!

@MAmom111 I think I remember Rebecca maybe playing the piano? Don’t remember about guitar, not sure. Joni Mitchell plays both guitar and piano. That episode was a real tearjerker for me.

If she does, it’s never been shown

I just want to say that “old Toby” annoyed the crap out of me.


I really don’t know what to think about Kate. That episode was painful! My big 3, in order: 1.Kevin 2. Randall 3. Kate


I have so many thoughts that I am not ready to express them. I will say that the writers did a pretty good attempt at trying to make each of them responsible, but I mostly feel like #teamToby in this one. Not telling her about the job offer was bad, but wanting old Toby back because she was too insecure for new Toby came across as super selfish to me. But, again, I don’t even want to put all my thoughts down right now. Didn’t love this episode.


Uncomfortable episode. I don’t love Kate although I like her more than I used to, but I am definitely not team Toby. I feel like he is being selfish.

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Kate is flawed, but I am definitely not #TeamToby. She didn’t want old Toby back because she was insecure. She is pretty confident right now. She wanted old Toby back because she missed his previous fun, quirky, Netflix & chill personality.

The writers did a reasonably good job showing how two decent people can grow apart.


I’ve also never been a Kate fan, and love Toby. But gotta say after last night, I understand why the marriage implodes and don’t blame Kate. He never did give the salary, which leads you to believe he just likes where he is. I get that, but to not tell her was wrong. And just because she doe make as much money, I don’t blame her for not wanting to leave a job she loves and her sick mom. I give her credit as a mom, too, being alone with the kids most of the time.

I still think Kevin may end up with Madison.