This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Toby has never discounted Kate’s role in being Jack (or other child’s) mom. Kate OFTEN discounts Toby’s role as dad.

Toby can only have so much social life with his demanding job (evidenced by the need for evening/weekend meetings) AND traveling back and forth to home on many weekends. It seemed apparent this was Kate’s first trip to San Francisco.

Toby did talk this week about researching special items/schooling for Jack years beyond what he needs now. I did wonder if a two story house would be difficult for Jack but Kate seemed to shut down discussion of any house at all.


I cringed at the scene at the party when Kate insisted to Toby that they leave. She was rude and really could have embarrassed her spouse in front of his coworkers.


Ugh, this latest episode was cringeworthy on so many levels…I actually liked all the younger Kate interstitials, but the stuff with her and Toby (“old” and “new”) just was more than I could bear. Was “old” Toby really that bizarre? Maybe that’s why I never liked him before. I must’ve blocked him out.

Thank you to all who (above) voiced every bit of what I was thinking and feeling. I’m not siding with either Kate or Toby, I’ve been on both sides, and frankly, it didn’t work out (granted I was in my 20s and didn’t have children then). Either both have to be excited about the change (or no change) or it simply doesn’t end well. Someone will crash and burn. In my case, it was me and I’ve never forgiven myself for being the “follower” (well now, 50 years later I have, but it took a very long time!).

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Agree; but I also cringed when Toby flitted away and abandoned Kate to discuss some fantasy sport trade. And right after that is when she learned about the LA job offer.

I think the writers did a good job depicting both Toby and Kate’s perspectives; Kate’s just resonated with me more.

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Why did Toby talk about 4 flights each way? Wouldn’t he have a direct flight each way? I think he said 4 flights more than once.

He said 4 flights a week. I interpreted It as 2 being LAX-SFO-LAX and 2 being SFO to client meetings.

Or, it’s sloppy writing. :grin: Because Continental, Delta, and Alaska have multiple non-stop flights per fay

Did he say 4 flights a week or 4 airports a week? Which could mean SFO/LAX/LAX/SFO when he’s coming home back to back weekends.

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The exact wording wss “4 planes a week.”


I may be the only one but aside from a few truly lovely scenes (ex. Rebecca’s speech, Beth reacting to the dancer 's fall to name a couple) I have not been overly excited by this season thus far. I feel almost like this is the middle book of trilogy where the main purpose is to present information that will eventually lead to the finale. But I’m so far into it that I will complete the show and hope for a satisfying ending.


The previews for next week showed what I saw as Randall at the pool with police lights flashing so they are caught there and that’s how Kate gets out.

Yes, I acknowledged that in a later post.

Yes, I saw that later. Please feel free to delete my comment.

It seems like Kate should be more open minded about the move. But… I do feel like it would be a hard transition on Jack (who will be coached mainly by Kate), since has his bearings now nicely at current house. Toby’s ultimatum did seem harsh.

I saw Toby’s “ultimatum” as something said in extreme frustration at the end of a long fight at the end of a frustrating weekend.

I also think that Toby wants some separation from the Pearson’s. They are a lot! Kevin can be a lot. Kevin and Kate’s dependency is a lot.


Agree the pool seems like important symbol.

So far, it’s where Jack vocalized about Kevin becoming a man, needing to learn to swim, tough love. That tone from Jack seemed jarring, at the pool.

The pool is where Kate, is exposed, no hiding in. A bathing suit, and she lovingly says to Jack, she is never letting go.
( just as she did prioritize her family in LA, over SF)

And, for Randall, he’s swimming alone in the deep, wearing google so he sees clearly. The preview may explore his identity, “seeing himself” as a black young man, alienated on the opposite side of the fence,

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“Seems?” Nuance is not Dan Fogelman’s strength. :rofl::rofl:


There were previously, other seasons, important moments at the pool. Kate not fitting in seeing more normal sized girls being friends and not inviting her. I remember a scene with Randall where there was something about seeing a black family or dad and Randall feeling awkward or jealous that he was with a white family (??) I’m sure we will see a pool scene with Randall next week. I did not see the previews but when you guys said there is a scene with the police coming at the pool I wonder if there will be something with Randall the African American one being targeted by the police first since he is outside of the pool fence - he may be the first one they see.

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I read something about Kate and Toby. That Toby has a track record of hiding things from Kate. He hid his weight loss, he hid the job offer, he hid that he’s looking at houses and had an evaluation of their home in LA. And that neither is at fault in this marriage. That they were both broken when they met, now they’ve grown but in different directions.


Won’t Jack have to learn a new space anyways if Kate and Toby get divorced? Toby will have to have some custody of the kids and I don’t think Toby will stay at Kate’s house if they are divorced. I just don’t see how this is going to work. Is Toby supposed to pay for a 3rd house or apartment in LA so he has a place to stay with the kids when it’s his weekend? Doesn’t seem like Kate is thinking this through at all.


Maybe Kate and Kevin will have a place together with revolving door kids from both of them!! (sad, but true)