This Is Us. Anyone watching?

And I admit, that as a teenager, I got locked in a bedroom with 2 of the 3 kids I was watching. I never noticed the parents had locks on the OUTSIDE of the bedroom doors. I yelled through the window at a passerby, who was kind enough to enter the suburban home and let us out.


Normally watching that episode you would be concerned about what would happen to young Jack. Would he cross the street into traffic and get hit by a car. Or abducted. But with the flash forwards we know he is fine. Just has a scar on his forehead.

Interesting that he ends up with the green egg. Toby must get it as part of the divorce and then hang onto it until at least when young Jack moves out on his own. And maybe the tie to imploding Kate/Toby marriage is more what Jack remembers than reality (that day wasnā€™t it eitherā€“was culmination of things). And in particular the smell of the smoker which had to had been a large part of his memory that entire day (he says something about the smell taking him back to that day in the flash forward).

Does this mean Madison is out of the running for Kevinā€™s wife or do they just want us to think that?

Was interesting to see Rebecca notice the missing red boots and make the connection to the park. Shows there is still good cognitive functioning there. Which I think comes and goes with some days better than others. Unfortunately though all trending in the wrong direction over time.

I have a friend who put the locks on the outside of their kids bedroom doors when they were younger. Attached all the furniture to the walls as well. Never did either with our kids.

Watched a couple of the flash forwards again yesterday and in the one at the big new house, Randall asks Deja how the trip out there was and she said something to the effect of it always going by faster than you think. Made me think of this thread. LOL


Next week looks very focused on Katoby. Not sure I need three episodes on their imploding marriage with so few episodes left. Looks he gives in to everything she wants and she still isnā€™t happy. Didnā€™t think Kevin and Randall should have inserted themselves into the Katoby argument at the end.


Thank heavens it wasnā€™t anything to do with the green egg. But who teaches a small kid to cross the street like that? Especially one with such a significant handicap? A cut on the forehead was possibly the least worst thing that could have happened.

The argument between Toby and Kate seemed fairly realistic. When things start to blow up, everything is a problem. Interesting that she said he pulled away as soon as Jack was diagnosed as having a problem. She accepts the problem, tries to help while Toby tries to fix the issues, unsuccessfully. At least, thatā€™s how she sees it.

Having said that, donā€™t want to see this again next week. How many episodes are left? How do we even cover all the other stuff before the end if they keep focussing on Toby and Kate?


Guess I saw it as Randall and Kevin standing back until they thought things were getting out of hand and then they stepped in and of course they sided with their sister. Seemed odd that Kate told Toby that she didnā€™t want to have the discussion with Toby in the house with the family there but instead took it to their front yard as if that would be better.

I see Kate as lacking confidence and trying to instill confidence in young Jack (going over the line though in terms of protecting young kids even without a handicap). Wife and I were discussing the age you would let a sighted child cross the street (particularly a busy one) on his/her own and no where near 4 was the answer. When they first met, Toby lacked confidence too. But since moving to SF with the new job, he found confidence. I think that is a big part of their problem though. Issues when one finds confidence but the other doesnā€™t. And does Toby want to leave SF where he found his confidence? I think Kateā€™s heart is in right place with young Jack but she takes it too far. Ultimately though we see that Jack becomes very confident (and successful).

There are 7 episodes left. A lot to accomplish. I read that Mandy threw up when she read the script for the penultimate episode and the script for the final one has been distributed to the cast (end of last week).

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The part with Jack walking to the park was very stressful. Interesting that it was only a fall that caused the scar. I wondered about K&T letting him run off on his own at the park. And agree this was just as much Kateā€™s fault as Tobyā€™s. She is so focused on the room gate, but the door was actually the bigger issue.

I understand Kate wanting to teach Jack how to walk to the park and the skills needed to be independent. I donā€™t think she ever anticipated Jack walking there on his own and she probably should have. Again, so interesting to see the different approaches to Jackā€™s disability - Dad trying to fix it and Mom trying to see him as typical as possible. I thought the fights were well done.

Loved drunk Rebecca.

And donā€™t necessarily think that Kevin and Madison are done.


Iā€™m sorry, but what kind of idiot parent of a perfectly normal toddler would teach them to unlock the front door, let alone a blind child?
In terms of fault with Jack getting hurt, Iā€™m going to assign blame as 25% Toby and 75% Kate.

Since we see adult Jack using the big green egg, I was totally confident that his scar wasnā€™t related to it at all unless it was a burn. Given the location of the burn though, it was a fairly obvious red herring.


I was going to ask what age we think Jack was there. Seems 4? All I can say is that little actor was AMAZING. Dh and I kept looking at each other and marveling at how well he delivered his lines. The way he talked about the different shoes, etc. I want to know more about this kid.

I get Kateā€™s impulse to try to teach Jack independence, likely as a mechanism for striving for ā€œnormalcy.ā€ But is she going to teach the new baby to unlock the door and walk to the park in a year or two? Of course not. The whole concept is ridiculous. Come on, Kate!

I canā€™t decide whether Kevin and Madison are done. Part of me wants them back together (see my poll answers above!), but i also want to see growth on his part, to not be in love with her because he can no longer have her, ya know? Who Kevin ends up with, if anyone, and learning more about Miguel are the things in which Iā€™m most interested at this point.


Born in 2019, so 3, the same age as the actor.

Crock Pot makers had to respond to the fire incident on the show. Green Egg makers should be happier with the portrayal of their product on the show: Our product broke up your parentsā€™ marriage but you still keep it because food tastes sooooo good. LOL


I started to watch and then decided to wait. Read a recap. One comment that stuck with me. Kate was enable by her dad and then her brothers and they are still enabling her. As a long time married person, you need to fight your own marriage battles and bringing in your sibling is always a bad idea. Because they donā€™t love your spouse like you do and will always take your side, which you really shouldnā€™t do.

Most men I know like to fix things. Whoā€™s ever had a problem and went to your husband. He wants to tell you how to fix it when all you want is empathy.

Iā€™ve just watched a marriage implode in my family in my real life, I really am not feeling it on tv. 2 and maybe another episode, this is how the writers and producers want to dwell on in the final season?

I may need a re-watch but I donā€™t think she taught him how to unlock the front door (she unlocked it at the beginning) but she taught him how to turn the knob to open it and when she left it unlocked he was able to get out. It looked like it took some effort to unlock, although it also was a pretty wimpy sized lock for a front door.

Definitely think Kevin and Randall should have walked past them arguing and gone into the house. It might have made drunk young Rebecca and older facing Alzheimers Rebecca happy to see them sticking up for each other, but that also seemed to be a factor in their marriage issues. Even Beth, the most calm of them all, has issues with the Big Three bond.

I liked the funny moments - Kevin with the creepy Rebecca doll calling Kate ā€œbugā€ (I hate that name every time I hear it), Randall slapping Kevinā€™s phone, drunk Rebecca, Elijah with the ring measurer hidden under his shirt. I hope Madison live happily ever after with Elijah but Iā€™m also not certain thatā€™s going to be the end of her and Kevin.

The kid playing little Jack was just fantastic. At the end, when he was in bed and Toby was kissing his forehead I laughed that they had his face blocked with the blanket. Iā€™m guessing he was having a hard time pretending to be asleep since you could also see some movement.


I was so happy for Rebecca that she was the one who figured out where to find Jack after she had felt so useless all day. My mom has dementia and is in a similar phase as Rebecca and I know how demoralizing it can before her. Kate has told her that she isnā€™t comfortable with her watching the kids, and I would feel the same if I had little ones, but my mom would be heartbroken.


The way I remember it is that Kate DID show him how to work the lock, then turn the handle. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure.

Mandy Moore plays a hilarious drunk.

Toby was taking care of Jack and it wasnā€™t until Kate was persistently insisting on his help - when we saw him TRYING to find a person to watch him - to not leave him alone - and then in Kateā€™s urgency, he put Jack in his room.

With Kate there will be no winning for Toby. Even if he moves home, he will be the imperfect parent.

Anyone else personally affected by the way they portrayed Jackā€™s vision? The way they combined the voices with his non-sighted shadows, it sort of took my breath away. Agree that that little actor was awesome! I would have said Jack is 3. I also noticed his walking gait is off. Probably due to the vision issues.

Kevin definitely was coming to Kateā€™s defense in the front yard. Did he think Toby was going to take a swing at Kate?! He sure acted like it! I did not see Randall as coming to Kateā€™s defense as much as getting between Kevin and Toby who were about to become fight #2.

+1 in the win column for Rebecca figuring out the boots were gone and bolting out the door to run to the park. Sheā€™s still got it! :). But also touching that she whispers to Kevin for help at the hospital to fill out the form.

I need to go find the previews for next week. They are still taping. Yesterday was Sterling K Brownā€™s bday and on his Instagram there was a video of him, Mandy and Kate. He said something like ā€œone more month of thisā€ - meaning them together at the studio.


The Reddit thread is full of this! Who shows their toddler how to unlock a door? And then takes no responsibility for their (Kate) part in this?

We will see where the writers go with this. How do they make a redemption story for Kate and how she gets to the point of marrying Phillip. Iā€™m always skeptical and think that ends gets these nice bows on them without great resolution of the issue at hand.

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Maybe someone mentioned this before but there is a video on YouTube combining all the fast forwards - all the stuff in the new cabin at the end and some other fast forward stuff. I felt like it was the right time to review this again. I can post a link if anyone wants it - itā€™s not spoilers if youā€™ve watched all season!


Preview for next week.


The door was not locked, if I remember correctly. I admit to not remembering her teaching him to unlock. I mean who the heck does that with any 3 year old??? In this episode, Jack merely opened it, which was actually pretty savvy for a 3 year old, sighted or not. The door perhaps should have or normally would have been locked and that was part of the problem. Toby kept saying he thought the gate was locked but Jack didnā€™t exit via the gate.

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Yes, Kate admitted she should have locked the door.

I think people are getting hung up on my use of the word unlock. I shouldā€™ve said open the door. Iā€™m not going to go out of my way to show my 3yo how to open our front door, locked or not. Or how to cross the street by himself. In Kateā€™s zeal to give Jack an obstacle-free life, she made some poor choices, IMO.