This Is Us. Anyone watching?

The gate they referred to is the baby gate on his room doorway, not the gate to the yard.


I’m not nearly as hung up about the failures related to unlatched gate and unlocked door as I am about the idea that a 3 year old would remember this incident in such detail as an adult. But, as others have said previously, tv requires us to suspend reality…

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So what do we still have to resolve?

  • Kate and Toby official breakup
  • Kate ending up with school dude
  • Where is Miguel?
  • Who is Deja pregnant with?
  • Why is Tess super apprehensive about seeing Rebecca - there seems a little tension between Tess and Beth?
  • Is Nicky just a family support or more?
  • What is Kevin’s relationship status?
  • Is Kevin still acting or does he move to the home building business (the business cards) or does he do both?
  • What is Randall’s day job by the end?
  • What does Toby’s life land?

What else?


I was about Jack’s age when I fell and cut my forehead requiring several stitches. I vividly remember the incident, and screaming in the ER while being stitched.

However, it was not a traumatic event to relive. Boys fall. They break bones. They get stitches. It’s not the fall or the Green Egg that causes adult Jack to have his reaction while remembering; it’s the fact that they remind him of when his parents’ marriage ended.


When I was three, I remember hiding in my room under the hobby horse (or whatever you call those springy toys) that was covered with a blanket. I remember my parents shouting frantically for me and thinking it was the funniest thing. I have blanked out what happened when I finally came out, ha.


Yes please post the link! Would definitely like to review that.

Just FYI, this is all footage that has been shown before - so no spoilers or anything that hasn’t been shown!! It was a good review for me especially at this point in the show.


Agree about the way the show portrayed Jack’s vision - it was very well done. The actor is three and visually impaired. He did such a great job in the episode.

I think a 3yo can recall a traumatic event, especially if it then led to his parents break-up.

Just watched the flash forward, are you sure it isn’t Beth that Tess is apprehensive of seeing? I also thought we saw a ring less Beth but then she kissed Randall.

There was lots of info to digest so I might be mixed up on the sequence

When Beth hugged Randall the camera made a point to focus on Beth’s wedding ring.

Yes I was also afraid previously that it was Beth that was sick and Tess was nervous about seeing - now that is not a worry. But maybe there is some stuff between them.

I think teaching Jack to walk to the park was more teaching him how to navigate with the cane. I am sure she never thought he would try to do it on his own. Toddlers open doors without being taught. It shocked me that my 2 year old granddaughter opened our front door the last time she was here. Chaos caused the accident. And yes if Toby was in charge of Jack Kate should have never yelled at him for not helping. But in hindsight he should have handed Jack off to Rebecca and traded places with her.


Two things stood out to me in that recap.

One, Madison tells Kevin that she’s told him something 12 times that morning. Of course, it could just be an expression, but maybe that means they’ve spent a lot of time together that morning so maybe they are together?

Two, Nicky says at the wedding that the wife held him up. So he and Eddy are married perhaps? Or … could he be married to Rebecca??? Because where’s Miguel at the cabin?

Also, where is Kate and her boss? Has Kate died? And where is Jack?

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The flash forwards at the cabin/house do not show Kate, do they? So we do not know her status (other than at some point she marries Phillip at some point).

Mystery of who is in the white vehicle that pulls up presumably will answer some of the open questions.

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The Kevin at the wedding of Kate looks younger than the Kevin at the cabin at Rebecca’s bedside. How much time could be between the two? Did we see the year 2025 on the screen for the cabin bedside moment?

Yes, who is in the white vehicle. Could be Kate and dude. Could be Jack and his partner.

While I’ve gone back and forth on my feelings for Miguel I sure hope he is included somewhere here! I hope he did not die. I don’t think he and Rebecca would split at this point. I’m hoping he is just taking a shower or something while we see everyone arrive!

He’s on his way

At this point in time, Miguel would be pushing 90 if alive. So it’s conceivable that he’s already died.

What is the year that this is taking place? I forget! Was he much older than Rebecca?

Interesting that Nicky who looks “old” now looks the same when he’s sitting at her bedside.

~ 2032

Rebecca was born in 1950. Jack was born in 1944. Nicky was born in 1948. Miguel’s age is never explicitly stated, but he’s assumed to have been born around the same time as Jack.

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So Rebecca lives a long time with dementia. Ugh.

I’m curious about the second to the last episode. What would cause Mandy Moore to react like this? (From People Magazine)

Moore, 37, confirmed that reading the second to last episode did make her physically ill. “It was so beautiful and upsetting that that was my physical reaction,” she said.

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We have to wait to find out. :slight_smile:

Another mystery to add to the list (though definitely a small one): what is the significance of the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game that Beth specifically brings to the cabin/house?

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