This Is Us. Anyone watching?

It’s bringing things full circle. The game has appeared in most of the flashbacks occuring on the birthday. The box cover shows 3 children; a Black boy and a white boy and girl.


Hmmmm…sorry I don’t keep track of math…could this be a landmark Big 3 bday…50? Any relation to Pin The Tale On The Donkey (where you’re blindfolded) and Jack’s sight (or lack of)?

Re: Mandy and the second to last script - maybe Rebecca dies in the second to last episode. And then the final episode is a wrap up. Maybe her character dying with the emotions of all her family there - and READING it was physically upsetting.


Am I the only one on here that thinks maybe you work for the show :slight_smile: or have an amazing visual memory :slight_smile:


No, the Big 3 were born in 1980.

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Ski knows everything.


I could definitely be wrong, but I thought we knew that the person arriving in the white car was Edie.
Of course, that might be a theory I read, and it didn’t actually happen….

She was. What we don’t know is if she was the only person in the car.


2025 is when Kate marries the second time. Kevin says “I’m a 45 year old man” at the wedding. The Big 3 are born in 1980. If 2032 is the cabin scene with Rebecca dying, then Kevin’s twins are about 11 or 12 and Jack, Kate’s son would be 13. ( I thought Kevin’s twins looked younger in the cabin scene. )

Rebecca would be 82 in the cabin scene. She would have lived 10 years after her 10th anniversary with Miguel and Jack falling at the park.

One thing I don’t like…It looks as if the show has a happy resolution for Kate. She marries the music teacher. Maybe something bad happens to her later, but even if it does, it’s as if Kate has gotten her life together.

However, the flash forward to Rebecca’s death makes it seem as if Toby ends up alone and a bit of a mess. No wedding ring…so not remarried. Scene shows Toby in what seems to be a hotel room in a double bed alone with the other half definitely looking as if nobody slept in it. Unless the next episode shows Toby doing something awful, it just doesn’t seem right that the end of the marriage destroys Toby.


You don’t like that Kate’s story has a happy resolution and she gets her life together? Or maybe that’s a typo?

I don’t think it’s a typo. There are a lot of very anti-Kate people on this post. I understand not being happy with her decisions sometimes, but I don’t think she’s a bad person at all. I root for her. I know people who have had similar trauma (her father’s death, an abusive boyfriend) at a similar age and they have turned out far worse than Kate.

I guess I didn’t explain well. I’m not anti-Kate. I’m glad she gets her life together. What I do NOT like is that at this point it appears that Toby really falls apart after his split with Kate. I’d like to see them both doing well.


We don’t even see Kate in the flash forwards. So we really don’t know if she is happy (or alive for that matter). Toby is by himself in the flash forward. But why do we assume that he is unhappy? Can you only be happy if you are with someone? Only people in the flash forward wearing wedding rings are happy?

Toby is also down in that flash forward. But so is everyone. They are there for what we believe to be Rebecca’s last day(s). Typically people are not doing cartwheels into those type of situation.

Just seems to me its a leap to say Toby has fallen apart. Rebecca is dying and he is going to see his former in-laws.

Neither one of Kate nor Toby may be doing well or both of them could be doing well. Not enough info at this point to know.

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For some reason, I thought there is a flash forward where Toby seems to be bedridden with depression. That might be what the other poster means. I don’t like seeing him miserable, either — he is also a good person.

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Such a great series that we consider the characters to be three-dimensional living humans (well, with a little time travel thrown in).


I might start a new thread- what other TV series and characters were you most invested in? Easy to get sucked in and wonder how it will all end. This Is Us got lots of people hooked from the beginning!

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Ted Lasso was a show I got into, and someone started a thread about it.


My first impression of Toby in the cabin flashback is that he looks rough. Long scraggly beard (judging, I realize) and maybe overweight again? Can’t remember for sure but my mind said “rough” - not just older

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That’s probably what I was remembering, not necessarily that he was bedridden. He looked altered, not just older.

It really will be sad if what made Mandy cry in reading the scrip is that Kate dies before her. Is that why we have not seen her in the flash forwards? That would be a major kick in the gut. Or Miguel. Or both along the way to 2032.

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Parenthood and Friday Night Lights are two shows that resonate with me and my kid/kids. Both are Jason Katim productions.

Also, The Office. i cry every time Pam and Jim get married.