This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I’m really hoping we can keep this thread dedicated to TIU. Discussion of other shows is better served here:


My notes from the Paleyfest preview of this last episode (where little Jack goes off by himself) -
It was amazing to watch an episode together with a large number of people who love the show. There were cheers, gasps, jeers, groans, laughter and yep, tears. From all of us.

Talking with others afterward there seemed to be a large number of us that felt that the comical portions were incredibly well done in this episode. From drunk Rebecca to Kevin and the weird doll.

Every person I spoke with said they felt Mandy Moore outdid herself in this episode. There were a large number of folks who literally jumped to their feet and cheered when Rebecca discovered the shoe connection and the cheers went on for about 30 seconds.

Every person I spoke with thinks the little Jack (Johnny Kincaid) stole the episode. We loved how they chose to provide his pov in the episode, with diffused light and blurred shapes. He is sight impaired in real life.

No one I spoke with could agree on who screwed up the most, Toby or Kate. There were a lot of Kate lovers in the group I chatted with.

The chaotic scene with the kitchen and missing Jack tore at everyone I talked to, and people were calling out to the screen as if they could be heard.

A lot of people want Kevin and Madison back together.

Everyone loves Miguel and cannot wait to learn more about him (we will).

Later, during the panel, we learned that several of the cast snuck into the back to watch the audience’s reactions as they could hear the commotion from outside, and they were awestruck that the audience was that invested.

The actor who plays Toby (Chris Sullivan) stole the panel…and the hearts of many of us there. Funny, sensitive and incredibly bright. He wants the take away for the audience to be “the laughter” - that while there were many tears evoked, let’s not forget the laughter. Sterling K. Brown (Randall) was a very close second. As deep and mysterious as he is on the show, he was on the panel. Milo Ventimiglia (Jack) seemed (to many of us) bitter. In one instance he was asked about what he would miss most about the cast/series and snarkily responded “you want to ask that from the guy who was in the series the least?” it wasn’t said in jest. He hardly smiled the entire evening. We all hoped he was having a bad day. Mandy Moore said she got physically ill and threw up when she read the finale. Chrissy Metz said she cried through a box of tissues and that her stomach ached for hours afterward. She is grateful to the show and the cast for taking a chance on her. Susan Kelechi Watson (Beth) hardly spoke but when she did she had us in the palm of her hand. And she is very funny. Justin Hartley (Kevin) was also very deep and thoughtful. Jon Huertas (Miguel) was another deeply soulful speaker who talked about the issues of diversity and praised the show for breaking through many issues.

The cast and writer/creator gave us zero spoilers.


Well, you left off the beginning of what I said when you quoted me. About potentially starting a NEW thread.

I would have paid a lot of money to see that Paley event!

This is a talented cast - wonder what is best for them all - probably a long break (to break away from their character) - I hope not just movies cause I rarely watch movies!

I’m worried that @VaBluebird is right- that script made made Mandy sick because someone died. :frowning:


I agree…but thinking if someone dies that episode, it will be Miguel, not Kate.

I actually saw him recently on a daytime talk show, maybe Drew or Kelly. I don’t think he was joking.

He commented on the talk show that he never got to work with any of the other adult actors (meaning the kids, I guess), so he always feels really left out. Not bonded like they are, and not understanding any of their inside jokes.

It sounds like this show has been a completely different experience for him, compared to the others…

**this is my first “quote” lol…so much easier than I thought!


I’m not a big spender by nature (I grew up in a family on food stamps) so I bought the least expensive ticket I could and it was $65 - which was a lot for a panel discussion and to watch a tv episode. But I couldn’t pass it up. I’m glad I went. The love of my life is heading up Saturday to the Better Call Saul panel.


I think it’s funny (or maybe disingenuous) that the cast would say they were surprised how invested people in the audience were … I mean, people paid good money to go here y’all talk so, yeah, they were invested! :rofl:


I finally got to watch the episode, after reading a lot of commentary here and on the Vulture recap. I really liked it. And I thnk both and neither were “responsible” for Jack’s walk to the park. Just one of those things. I think most of us had episodes of distraction and inattention and stupid little mistakes in our lives as parents that led to a pretty scary moment. Of course in real ife some of these moments ended in tragedy but this is just a tv show, a beautiful one at that, buiding toward the next episode. Here’s the Google one-liner to describe it: “Kate and Toby’s relationship evolves over a few years.” I think we’re a lot more ready to see that coming up

That’s a shame - he was brought on stage last and you could physically feel the room quake the cheers and applause was so intense. He is dearly loved. I hope he picked up on that.


I think it’s funny (or maybe disingenuous) that the cast would say they were surprised how invested people in the audience were

…Ah, but that’s the thing, Chris Sullivan (Toby) actually said he couldn’t believe they filled the theater. He wasn’t kidding.

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Chris Sullivan is a really smart guy. I have heard him speak off the show and he’s pretty accomplished.

You can be famous and see your shows ratings and see fans on the street that want to touch you but to see genuine reaction in person to what is put on a tv screen would be eye opening. Sort of like live theater.

I have often thought during the series that Jack got shorted the later seasons - like I missed seeing him!


It’s true that Jack/Milo doesn’t get to interact with the grownup Pearsons, even his very young adult kids. Of course that’s the story line, and the young triplet actors are incredible. But they’re stand-ins for the story line leading to the end.


Finally watched this week’s episode.

I feel sorry for Toby. No, he isn’t perfect, but nothing is ever enough. I think he feels he can’t do anything right. He and Kate have clearly grown apart for many reasons, but I feel as though he tries more/harder than she does.

I am an only and have an only, so I cannot speak very well to the relationship of the Big Three. I can certainly see where the death of Jack at such a vulnerable time in their lives would bond them in a somewhat unusual way. Meaning more close than typical siblings. But, I really don’t know if their closeness is, “normal,” or not.

Jack has always been one of my least favorite characters, so it hasn’t bothered me that he has had less screen time. It’s a shame Milo seems resentful about that, though.


I think that Milo (Jack) was such a draw for the show at the beginning. Besides Mandy (correct me if I’m wrong because I am NOT in the know for actors) the others were not as well known. Milo had a following as a hot dude from his Gilmore Girls days and probably brought a lot of people to the show. (I was surprised to see him in a cameo role on Maisel this current season - only to not seem to show up again!)

Kate certainly has her baggage as of course the other 2 of the big 3. But Toby has his baggage too! Wasn’t there a bad relationship with his father? Depression and poor self image? Kate is a loving mother. I don’t know how good of a wife she is BECAUSE I feel like she expects more than she gives. Toby is ok with her when he is doing things her way or for her. But his own personal growth and development - she seems jealous. His loving fun relationship with his kids - she somehow poo-poos this and expects a more serious role for his as dad.

I just have to wonder if/how the school dude is going to mesh with her. It’s true that what her and Toby bonded over at first at least was their eating/weight/self-confidence issues. His journey seemed to take off with a lot of hard work. Kate - not just her weight - has seemed more stuck. Not confident, jealous of others, etc. I do think PERHAPS if she gets this new job we might see a new Kate in confidence in herself.

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Justin Hartley was known, although possibly to a more niche group

And Heroes

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I believe there was a flash forward when Nicky was highlighted on an episode and his wife steps out of the car and then kisses him.

I knew Miguel from the ABC show Castle.


Interesting but makes sense that Milo’s experience has been so different from the rest of the cast. Although Jack looms over the entire show, the reality is that Milo himself does not appear that much. He doesn’t appear in so many pivotal scenes with the teen or grown Big 3. Had not really thought about it, but makes sense.

I though Toby looked unhappy in the flash forward due to the very long beard, his sigh and him being alone in the room. He did not seem surprised by Randall calling him, however. But then again we all thought Beth seemed annoyed and unhappy in that flash forward until she came in and kissed Randall. Could be a red herring. I though Toby made a remark that suggested he had never been to the house before, but didn’t see that in the video posted earlier.

I noticed that in the wedding and house flash forwards they clearly showed Kevin with a wedding ring.

Interesting that we did not see Kate or Jack or Hailey in the cabin scene.

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Kate remembers Jack as the perfect husband and father. He wasn’t, but that is how she sees him. Toby can never live up to that image. Interesting that there has been no mention on the show of marriage counseling.