This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I loved Sterling K Brown in Army Wives and remember Jon Huertas from Castle. Of course I spent a lot of time with my daughter watching Milo on Gilmore Girls! Justin was a regular on Smallville; I never watched, but my daugher did.

While I liked this episode, I am surprised there is going to be yet, another episode about Kate and Toby. I am hoping it is just part of the episode, and not the whole time. I was disappointment that there was no acknowledgement of Rebecca figuring out where Jack had gone. My mother and I are not super huggy, but I would have squeezed her tight and thanked her with my very last breath. I know a show can not show every moment, and we have to use our imagination, but that should have been a moment, if not by Kate, then by Toby. Rebecca felt not needed, and here she was putting it all together.

I am currently babysitting my 2.5 year old granddaughter for the week, and she loves to open and close door, but only bedroom and bathroom doors; as far as I know, she has never tried the outside doors. I don’t think she could open the front door as it is heavy, but I will be curious to see if my daughter changes anything after watching this episode when she gets back in town!

I had the same thought about Rebecca needing to be given accolades for figuring out where Jack had gone! I would have been so proud of her, and thankful!


I knew Justin Hartley from The Young and the Restless, which he was on for a couple of years right before he landed on This Is Us. I’ve always found him very handsome!


Me too!


I thought one should go to Kate and one to Toby and try to diffuse the situation.

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Me three. Earlier in the night, before I watched TIU on DVR, I watched Chasing Liberty with my daughter. It’s a low-tiered rom com with Mandy Moore when she was very young. She has a drunk scene in that movie and her acting throughout was … not good. The drunk scene was noticeably “more bad.” So to then turn around an hour later and see how much she has grown as an actress, it was a huge change. Huge.


Are we sure Kate is marrying the British teacher guy? Could it be the British teacher guy’s brother?? (if he has on, that is :grinning:). I may be grasping…

I just find it difficult to pinpoint how I feel about Kate. To me, she acts incredibly entitled and self centered. So danged critical of Toby. But it’s all about what can Toby give/do/say to appease her. I think I just never picked up on the demise of their relationship though the whole run of the show. That’s my fault, I guess. She keeps saying Toby has changed. Well, yeah, they both have. They are parents now in a very demanding situation with young Jack.


I personally feel it’s a red herring


I thought in the flashforward Kevin asked Philip if its ok to do some British jokes at his expense and Philip responds if you can’t make fun of your future brother in law, who can you make fun of (or something like that)?


Maybe Kevin is married to his sister??? :rofl:


Did anyone notice in the flash forward that Kevin’s notes were written on Big Three letterhead?

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Yes, isn’t it Big Three Homes - which we have said “someone” has made a business out of cabin building!

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Yep, I noticed that too, so can’t see how it could be a red herring. Since Kate is obviously the one getting married, what other scenario could there be where he would be Kevin’s future brother-in-law? Maybe if Kate was marrying British guy’s brother, but then why would Kevin be mentioning him in his speech?

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I missed what Phillip said to Kate - did his first wife get hit and killed by a car?

Yes, he refused to do a 4th round of IVF. She said his refusal was giving up on their life together. He said they had no life together --meaning everything was consumed by her efforts to get pregnant. She called a cab to take her to her mother’s and walked out the door without saying good-bye to him. She got into the cab and a drunk driver struck it before they got to the first corner.

Oh that’s horrible. I remember a previous episode with a flashback to them amusing an she walked out of his office.

I don’t think so…That was just a girlfriend. Philip dumps her and she asks why. He says she’s boring. Not the scenario with his wife.