This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Madison appeared to be pregnant at Kate’s engagement party and still with Elijah?

And Sophie was there as well and Kevin planned to go say hello to her (presumably we will see that exchange in a future episode).

Lots of information! So Toby seems to also end up happy. Philip is not the snarky womanizer we thought. Kevin goes through a string of girlfriends, Madison and Elijah are together…


Is absolutely nobody going to comment on the most critical item in the episode - Toby’s above-the-knee dad shorts?!? :joy:


You need to rewatch. It was one of the best scenes


I thought Phillip’s wife’s demise and the change from what personality we saw of him before was pushed and a little "This Is Us"y. I mean I know things happen to people but - his wife was blind (like little Jack and therefore he also won’t be seeing limitations of little Jack like bad Toby does), he wanted kids enough for 3 IVFs (Kate has 2 kids, also struggled with infertility), and his wife was tragically killed, but had also left him possibly forever we’ll never know (explaining how the personality they showed of him in his few previous scenes wasn’t the “real” him). I didn’t really like how that played out. He hid his real feelings about Kate “from the first time we met” pretty well. But I would like to get to know Toby’s new wife better, even though we (probably) won’t. So - Toby seemed so old and sad and alone in the “come down” to go to see Rebecca scenes because he hadn’t been to the coffee shop to meet the “vanilla” woman yet? But he looked younger in that scene. Still confusing.

Also, I still have no clue who Kevin ends up with and the writers are definitely playing with us!


Agree that the change in Phillip and the reasons he was so attracted to Kate are not very clear. Also wondered about their economic status with both working at the school for the blind.

Glad to see Toby doing well with the kids.

The scene at Rebecca’s bedside was way before the last scene with grownup Jack playing. Not clear when Toby meets his new wife. In the flashforward to the cabin scene, he is in a big bed, on one side. While we assumed that he was alone and lonely, perhaps not?

We also found out that Kate is still alive when Jack is grown, so assume that she will be showing up at Rebecca’s deathbed.

From the video posted earlier with the flash forwards, it looked like Kevin was wearing a wedding ring at both Kate’s wedding and at the cabin. I am going to go back and watch because I can’t remember the timeline in which he sees Sophie.

I guess Madison stays with Elijah, although could be another red herring.

Was a decent portrayal of the dissolution of a marriage, but a bit frustrating to me to have all of the focus on Katoby for another episode.


I didn’t watch the episode until this morning because we were out last night. I feel guilty for not waiting for dh and fear I will need to confess during the counseling scene. :rofl:

Agree with @one_two that the Phillip storyline was all just a little too pat for me. Having said that, I thought the bar scene between him and Toby made one thing make sense. Kate and all the Pearsons are extra. Phillip says the British are all stiff upper lips. So, it makes sense that they are seeking the thing missing in each other. But I think I’m being a little generous there.

If Sophie leaves the dh to get back with Kevin, this show will have officially jumped the shark.


The Celine Dion song in the elevator cracked me up.


Whitney, not Celine.


She may not leave him. They may get into a fight and he gets into the car and then 5 minutes later… Leaving Kevin to jump in and sweep her off her sad feet. :smile:

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I was happy that Toby got his happy ending, that was important to me as apparently I’m invested in Toby’s happiness :grin:

I thought the romance of Kate and Phillip was rushed. But fine, they are happy. The narrative was that they got along very well. I personally think that Toby’s comment about not being Jack, made an impression on Kate (hopefully) and that she didn’t hold Phillip to the same standards. I’m not thrilled that Phillip was her boss but understand it’s a TV show

Is Phillip independently wealthy? That was quite a nice engagement party and the wedding looks very nice for 2 music teachers. Again it’s a tv show.

But I’m happy to move on from Kate’s story. Not sure why in a last season there was so much emphasis on Kate, when I’m not sure the viewers were that invested in Kate. Maybe just me.


Does Phillip own the school for the blind?

I had the same thought about who is paying for that soiree. I’m now beginning to think I’m ready for this show to end. :stuck_out_tongue:


No. He seems to be a department head or administrator. Remember he was forced to hire Kate in the first place, so there is someone in a higher authority.

I figured Kevin paid for everything. He always seems to want to help. I missed the fact that Sophie was there … I kind of doubt that they will have her & Kevin get back together, but I could be wrong. I still absolutely love the way the story lines are unfolding. Yes, certain things may seem a bit rushed and underdeveloped, but I don’t think it’s possible to delve into everything. The overarching storyline for Katoby seemed to be that it’s possible to get through the bad stuff & have a happy ending despite feeling in the moment like that is impossible. I’m good with that … I want to feel uplifted by a tv show once in awhile.


Good points @kelsmom ! I think it feels more rushed than it needed to be because of the limited number of episodes and the ending date. I still really enjoy the show and see many real moments amidst the few that strain credibility. And gives us a lot to discuss. Not happy it is ending.


Maybe he got a big fat settlement from the car accident this wife was in.

Agree that we haven’t seen how/why he and kate fall in love. Maybe they just don’t have time shed any light on.

And was the Koreatown karaoke considered their first date, which was the date she signed the divorce papers??

Unless she dies in the next to last episode which apparently was hard for all the actors? That or just another omission to keep us viewers guessing :smiley:

The scene with Kate, Toby and significant others was pretty early in his career. We see him eventually in a big venue in a flash forward.


I’m just here to say I don’t buy Phillip & Kate. At all. Not even a little. I know it’s the end of the series but I feel zero chemistry between them.

That’s all. Carry on.