This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I watched a YouTube video where people were dissecting the episode. I am even more confused. All the time switching and various storylines is making me feel like when Lost finished. I didn’t even pretend to follow it all at that point. I will enjoy these last six episodes the way those of you on the East Coast close an eye surrounding the time-travel continuum.


Not to mention that Kate seemed to have moved on awfully quickly! For both herself and her kids.


I followed it, but I thought the time jumping was distracting. I think it was kind of a cheat way to tie up this 3-episode arc.

They could have just let them stay together. There wasn’t enough time to work it all out in this season.


Credit where credit is due. Not often have I found Kate on the positive/right side of a conversation but as they were leaving the divorce paper scene and she told Toby that their story doesn’t end……I really liked that exchange.

Still siding with Toby. It was painful to see him give up a job he loved for a job he clearly didn’t to come home to a wife who he couldn’t please and who couldn’t seem to get to counseling on time because talking to your child’s teacher for 20 minutes is expected daily?!

Rebecca sure looked rougher at the engagement party.

They showed Sophie SO FAST I wasn’t sure it was her either.

I also wonder if Toby IS still with yogurt parfait woman at the end cabin scene.


For once I didn’t immediately delete the episode, so I was able to go back and re-watch some details…

The karaoke with Phillip and Kate was not a date. They were hanging as friends after she signed her divorce papers.
Their first date was the night with the mariachi band. We don’t know how long it was between those two events. Kate and Phillip didn’t get married until about 4 years after the divorce.

I loved the parts when Baby Jack said “you’re both here” as a child and as an adult.
I also loved seeing Toby find joy on his own as a parent, and happiness in his future with Laura.

@abasket, yes, I think Toby was still with Laura (parfait woman) in the scene with adult Baby Jack where they went to his performance. All four of the parents were wearing wedding rings. The scene with bedridden Rebecca at the cabin, showed Baby Jack to be about 11-12 yrs old, I think.


Another thing I somehow noticed was when Toby called Kate pre-wedding at the church(or wherever they were getting married) Toby was sitting at a table and behind him was a door that had a red jacket on it - looked like a child’s jacket - but a not too big jacket - like a preschoolers jacket - might he and parfait woman have a child??? His and Kate’s kids I would think are at the wedding.

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I think the child in the bedridden Rebecca episode was Kevin’s son who said his Dad went out for food. Might have been Nicky, but I don’t remember seeing Frannie. It might have been a younger sibling?
I think I remember Toby telling some folks he spoke to Jack on the phone and ‘they’ were on their way. I don’t believe we know who he was with.
Depending on how far into the future, he might be with his mother and sister, or his girlfriend/wife.

ETA - I do agree that Kate and Philip took some time before marrying; remember the older Jack and Hailey at the table with the posters telling Kate to say Yes.


Just looked up the previews for the next episode - looks like lots of emotion about to fly at Kate’s wedding!


@mominva oh, yes, you’re right!
That was Kevin’s son. In another scene/diff episode, they also showed Kevin’s daughter. So if they were the ones that were 11-12, then Baby Jack would’ve been maybe 13 or so?

Ok. I was mostly thrown during the getting engaged scene that little Jack looked about 7 or 8.

In previous flash forward to Kate’s wedding, Kevin says he is 45 so that is 2025 per their ages being 42 in 2022.

But in this week’s episode it seems more years go by? Between the counseling sessions of 16 months, the second birthday, then the 6th birthday.

I am very happy Toby seems to be happy down the road. I do not buy Kate and Philip.


I don’t really mind the jumping around, but I’d like to re-watch on a straight time continum. Who wants to cut and past the episode for me?! In fact, it would be fun for them to do that for the entire series after it ends.


Maybe we will still get this and I know she is not a major character coming in literally the last few episodes of the series. But I would like a little more coverage of Toby and Parfait Woman (why can’t I remember her name?!) and how their relationship developed, where they live do they have additional children - SOMETHING to let me know that Toby is ok and happy.


We won’t per executive producers/co-showrunners Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger. “Toby meets his partner, Laura, in the years after he and Kate get divorced and he is still with her when we see him again at Jack Jr.’s concert at the end of the episode. While we won’t delve too deeply into Toby and Laura’s love story, it is safe to say they have a very happy, loving relationship. Laura is definitely part of Toby’s happy ending in our minds.”



Just curious, without spoilers why are you so sure??? Just because it’s not important or tied to the big 3??

I added more context to my last post


Thanks for posting that article which clarified Toby’s future romance with the parfait woman. I guess it’s nice that the writers threw Toby a (future)bone after the last few miserable episodes. I have to say I’m not really that interested in having the third Kate-centric episode in a row, focusing on her (highly improbable, IMO) wedding with Phillip.

I have to disagree with the writers when they said that Kate fought “really, really hard” for her marriage to Toby.

No, she did not.


That’s super helpful - thank you!

This is a series that would work well to watch a second time - sometime in the future but not right away!

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I felt that Toby really discounted Kate’s needs during the San Francisco visit. I don’t blame him for being happy with what he made of his life. He had been sad for so long, and he finally seemed very happy. I loved his comment about not wanting to be the clown he once felt he needed to be. But Kate seemed to still be wanting old Toby, which was why I could understand why she wanted out. When people don’t grow together, it can result in a painful divide. I definitely felt bad for Toby, but I didn’t see the possibility of the relationship working out. In some level, it showed growth for Kate in that she didn’t just accept that she didn’t deserve happiness. But yeah, she was pretty mean to Toby about his parenting … so I was glad to see Toby find happiness in his own parenting after the divorce. It’s just tv, but it’s a show that I enjoy. Like a good book, I will feel sad when it ends.