This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I watched the very first episode of the show tonight with my sister, who has never seen any of the episodes. It will be interesting to see if she gets hooked on it! It was bittersweet to see K and T meeting for the first time. They were so sweet together. It was funny that Kevin interrupted their first make out session, when he was drunk after his meltdown on The Manny.


I managed to get my sister hooked on the show. We watched 4 episodes together. I may keep rewatching it when I go home. So many incidents have more meaning now.


. I used to do exercise with Grey’s Anatomy, til I ran out of seasons. Perhaps I should rewatch TIU.

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It’s really fun. We watched two more episodes tonight.

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I rewatched the first couple of episodes on a short plane flight recently. I had forgotten that Kate and Toby meet so early in the series. I then watched the Season 4 episode The Cabin in which Jack buries the time capsule and the Big Three dig it up. It is the first time we see the house that Kevin built. Was fun to re-watch.


Toby looks okay and happy and wearing a wedding band in the parents meet up to hear grown Jack sing and play. That scene made me cry. He said “you’re both here”. Sweet.


It was really bittersweet to watch the early episodes with Toby and Kate. He was so happy! But you know, even back then, she got irritated with him easily. I had forgotten that.

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Eh, I’m just not a Kate fan. At all. Whereas I like Toby. I realize they are just portraying one example of how a marriage can go off the rails. Maybe there will be a 2nd generation spin off show. I’d love to see the growing up and development of young Jack, for instance. And of course Randal’s girls.


There are a few stages photos on Sterling K Browns Instagram that show the “couples” at Kates wedding
. Not spoilers but also “sort of” ahead of the wedding tonight

There are a couple blondes on the back row I can’t place. And I don’t see Toby. Or Edie.

The scene was the wedding so Toby probably was not on set. A guest star tonight- she played Quinn in Scandal, Katie Lowes - is on the left back. And I think the actress playing Sophie is also back row.

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I loved that Miguel walked Kate down the aisle.


So still 3 in the running for Kevin. But Madison has been replaced by the wedding singer.

And I liked Rebecca’s short hair in the flashback. Reminded me of Rapunzel in Tangled after her hair was cut short. Maybe a nod to Mandy’s role in that movie. :slight_smile:

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I hope it isn’t the wedding singer, especially since she is Quinn from Scandal and would probably betray him or sadistically torture him.

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Thank you! Dh and I couldn’t quite place her – I kept thinking Boston Legal or The Practice. I just told dh and he said he’ll never forget her drilling some guy’s kneecap! :rofl:

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OK, so, now who do people think Kevin ends up with:

:purple_heart: Cassidy
:blue_heart: Sophie
:green_heart: wedding singer
:white_heart: no one/none of three above

I’m going with Cassidy.

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I think

Kevin is wearing a wedding ring in the flash forward at the cabin so No one seems unlikely. Wedding singer seems too far fetched at this point (with all the connections to the other options). Sophie is married (though did we see her husband at the wedding tonight?) so seems like you wouldn’t want him to mess up his marriage to her and then hers to her second husband. So I would say Cassidy.

I edited to make the white heart be no one/none of the three above. I think there is a chance that he learns something about himself after his night with the three women that makes him take more time to figure it all out and maybe ends up with none of them but someone else.


Good episode. I loved the comic relief from Madison and Beth. I also loved that Miguel walked Kate down the aisle. I definitely felt sorry for Miguel and what he is going through. I think Kevin ends up with Sophie.