This Is Us. Anyone watching?

I really loved this episode too. My vote is Sophie. Same on loving comic relief from Madison and Beth and btw their dresses were gorgeous. Also found it very touching how this episode portrayed Rebecca’s advancing disease and impact on the family, especially Miguel and Kevin and how they are managing her episodes when she thinks Kevin is Jack.


Is this the bridesmaid dress?

Shown as, “sold out”


I think the writers want us to think Kevin ends up with Sophie. On Kevin’s walk with Rebecca, while she thought he was Jack, she commented that ‘they got married so young, …he’ll figure it out’(or something to that effect).

It could be the writers positioning us for a surprise, or is it too late in the series for another wild goose chase?
I didn’t think it would be Sophie because Alexandra Breckenridge is committed to Virgin River, but with This Is Us ending, that filming conflict is eliminated.
So, yes, I’m guessing it’s Sophie.

i’m going with the wedding singer Quinn from scandal and inventing Anna. I find it hard for her to come out of “retirement “for just a cameo.

I find the Sophie connection so forced. They never showed Kate and Sophie being great friends when they were younger. They seemed friendly to each other like you would be with your brother’s high school girlfriend and then wife. So why 20 years later would Sophie and Kate suddenly become such good friends, esp with Kate in LA and Sophie in NY? And such good friends that Sophie would fly across the country not once but twice for her ex-sister-in-law’s wedding? Her husband would be like ■■■? And what would Kate and Sophie have in common anymore besides their history with Kevin?


VIRGIN RIVER! that’s why she looks familiar! Thanks for that.


I did think it was weird though, that none of Randall‘s and Beth’s girls were at the wedding. Any comments or thoughts on that? They were so busy with their grown adult lives or something?


I wonder if it is the wedding singer - fresh start, new love. And in an interview Justin Hartlay said people might not be happy with who he ends up with.

I, too, wondered where Randall’s girls were. No mention of them being missing? I wondered if it was just a production point - no need to pay them for the episode if they had no real reason to be there. Deja and Tess would be in college, but Annie would seem to still be too young to leave home alone.

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We are led to believe the girls are there but aren’t shown. Randall said that at the wedding Annie would take the place of Secret Service because she’s fast. Agree that it’s a production thing.

Are they setting Miguel up to die with the tremors and heart meds? Forty percent of main caregivers of dementia patients die before the dementia patient (took a webinar on this) so it’s a thought. And, presumably, he’s a little older than Rebecca.


Yikes, I hadn’t heard that statistic about that many caregivers dying first! TBH, I’m thankful Mom went when she did, because it would have been hard on Dad to see her decline.

Yeah, dh remembered that stat (he watched the videos posted later). After the show, he said that it’s OK to put him in a home if caring for him were to be too much of a drain on me. :slightly_frowning_face:

I thought it was a fairly good episode overall. I did find it amusing when Beth and Madison were sleuthing, and 100% felt like they were taking every online forum’s posts and wrote the script right from them! Anyone here recognize their words in the script? :rofl:

It was heartbreaking to watch Rebecca and my heart hurt seeing Miguel losing it. Those scenes felt very real.

I would have liked to see Tess, Annie and Deja. It’s the end of the series for goodness sake, pay them for some walk-ons.

My money is still on Sophia and Kevin.

I thought I remembered that Randall and Beth said something about the girls not being there at the wedding a few episodes ago.

I really felt for Miguel. Such a tough position.

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I wonder if production had the thought that they would have to cast in between Randall and Beth kids. But both Kevin’s and Kate’s kids were there so idk. Maybe too many storylines already?

I’m tired of the story speculation about Kevin’s wife. Just let us know. But I guess it’s the big mystery at the moment.

Mandy Moore on her instagram has the cast doing some dancing! An electric slide variation done during breaks I think.

I could watch Sterling dance all day. And Griffin Dunne is the best sport!


My sweet mom wrote us a letter stating that she wanted us to not feel guilty if we needed to put her in a home. I found a copy of it after she passed away. Ironically, she never had to go to one, but my dad is living in a retirement facility! I know he would have preferred NOT to go, but we didn’t have other options for him.

Sophie and Kate were BFFs when they were young. The episode I remember involves a birthday party for Kate. She wanted a separate one with girlie things. All of a sudden, Kevin wanted to come. Kevin came because he had a crush on Sophie. After the party, he told his parents he was going to marry Sophie when they grew up. Later, when Sophie finds out on Thanksgiving that Kevin cheated on her, she’s angry that Kate didn’t tell her–“You’re supposed to be my friend.” Kate had only found out earlier the same day.


And in a recent episode, Kate and Sophie had a reconnection text exchange.


I have been consistently wrong in my predictions for this show, but here’s my theory…

I think all 3 women came on to Kevin the night before the wedding, but he didn’t have sex with any of them. I think Sophie’s marriage is in trouble and she told him that. Kevin gave her a shoulder to cry on, but no more than that. He told her something along the lines of “you have to make a decision as to whether you want to stay in your marriage without regard to me. There’s no guarantee if you leave your husband we’ll work out in the long run, so I shouldn’t be a factor in whether you stay or end it.” I also think the poem Madison and Beth found in the room which Madison said seemed as if a third grader wrote it was in fact a poem Sophie remembered Kevin writing her when they were 10 or 11.

Wedding singer got drunk and came on to him. Sober Kevin said “I know what it’s like to have sex when you’re drunk and regret it when you sober up, so no, I’m not taking advantage of you.”

Cassidy decided she wanted comfort sex–just a “friends with benefits” situation. Kevin says “you’ve already told me you don’t want a long term relationship with me and we’re too close for sex not to get in the way of our friendship. Right now I need you as a friend, especially with what mom’s going through. If you want a real relationship, get back to me.”

So, the reason he didn’t get much sleep is he spent a couple of hours with each of the three during the night.

So, when Randall asks him if last night was “a good story” and he says he doesn’t know yet, he means it. He tried to listen to his better instincts and he hopes that he made the right decision in doing so.


I think your predictions make sense, except my guess is the Cassidy situation is totally platonic. We should see growth in both of them, especially in Cassidy who was suicidal last time we saw her at the cabin. I would like to think that they have become loving, dear friends and that she was in his room for other reasons. I hope that 5 years haven’t passed since her accident and they are still dancing around a relationship. My guess is that they are her clothes, but I hope that she ended up there for some other reason.

Does anyone know how many more episodes are left? I’m starting to get super sad already and I’m hoping to at least have five more episodes. Too much?