This Is Us. Anyone watching?

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The “This is Us” song has words, a pleasant surprise.


I have my own theory about the “poem.” The fact that it was on a bar napkin makes me think it was the wedding singer because didn’t they meet in the bar? I wonder whether they are song lyrics.

I agree that he likely didn’t have sex with anyone, and the preview showed Cassidy having trouble with her zipper so I do think those clothes were hers. Something happened or she wouldn’t have tried to keep it hush-hush in the elevator in front of Madison and Beth. She felt a little sheepish/guilty about something.

Also agree that Kevin said he doesn’t know whether it’s a good story because things are all stirred up but with no resolution. Yet.

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What was written on the napkin

[quote] You shift unsteady in your seat
Your sightline at the door
You sip your drink, deepen your breath
What are you waiting for?
No, I would never leave you
Lost on this uncharted ground
With just one glance, I’d take my chance
And let us both be found

I liked Randall’s toast during the wedding (Kevin’s was a bust–another example of bad judgement on his part because he thought it was amazing when he was practicing it in earlier flash forwards). But Randall overreacted to the blood pressure meds and hand shaking of Miquel. Pretty common for people Miquel’s age. Though ultimately the point was Miquel is getting older (as we all are) and having health issues of his own at a time when he is so focused on taking care of Rebecca.


I 'll take your amendment. Cassidy is totally platonic.

I voted for Sophie but I agree that the TIU writers could make a case for any of the three, or not one of them, and still be in line with their usual plot lines. The wedding singer would be like Toby suddenly meeting his future wife at the coffee shop. I’ve been reading social media and people have been noting that although the sleuths said Sophie was married she didn’t have a husband visibly present at the wedding. Also reading a lot of complaints about Randall’s daughters being absent from view which surprised me too. Does anyone know where this episode was filmed - what winery? Also was confused about Rebecca needing “down time” between the photos and the ceremony, and then she was playing cards and taking a walk with Jack/Kevin (I was afraid for a second that was going to get very awkward). That seemed off too and possibly was put in to explain something related to filming but I’m not sure what.

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They were there, just off-screen. Randall refers to his security detail.

Likely the production decision was made that they did not add enough to the plot to either recast or to try to age the current actors.

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Ooooh, thanks for the words. They made a point of saying it was “female” handwriting so it’s not something Kevin wrote, especially because Madison would recognize his handwriting. Did the singer write it about watching Kevin?

Agree with @one_two that Rebecca didn’t have much down time, but I get the idea. Cards and a walk are fun and not stressful.

Randall correcting his mom about Jack’s death was so classic. Reminds me of my brother. One thing I liked about that was it showed growth in Kevin. He understood the changes in his mom more than Randall did. In Randall’s defense, he was running for senator. What’s my brother’s excuse? :rofl: :rage:


At one point, I would correct my dad with his memory “errors.” Then realized there was no point. It frustrated him. And he doesn’t remember what you told him 10 seconds later in any event. Unless its something that has to be corrected, I just let it go now.

Same with asking him questions he likely won’t remember the answer to (before he moved to a senior center, what did you have for breakfast/lunch was a common question because he often forgot to eat but now if he isn’t down for each meal someone knocks on the door to remind him). Now we know he eats. Not knowing the answer is frustrating to him as well.

One of toughest things for me to watch on This is Us is when Randall walks into see Rebecca in the cabin flash forward and says its Randall, your son Randall. Tough to imagine your parent not recognizing you but at some point it happens for some people. My dad introduces me to everyone in his place as his son, sail. At one point I thought it was because he didn’t remember that he has done that numerous times and they already know who I am and my name. Now I am wondering if he is doing it to reinforce the connection/relationship in his own mind.


According to this link the wedding was filmed at the Allegretto Vineyard Resort in Paso Robles, CA


Mandy Moore’s song made me, and all the cast, cry.


It was the perfect song for the scene 
 and I was happy to hear her lovely voice. My D introduced me to her music years ago.


Initially couldn’t imagine why they would put Rebecca in the position of singing a song at the wedding. Would have been beyond horrible had she been unable to sing. Only made sense that she would pull it off and sing very well. I have been a big Many fan for a while.

It was interesting to me when Rebecca/Mandy sang because her face was “old” but her voice was “young” - she seemed to try and age it by slowing down and such but still to me it sounded “young”. But beautiful!

No offense, but geez it took a long time for them to get Kate down the aisle again - how many episodes, 3???

I want Kevin to end up with Sophie. To me it was a little weird to see Cassidy - who has always seemed a little rough around the edges and not really a “happy” person - all dolled up and wedding fresh.

Will Kevin end up with Sophie? Don’t know. But also I feel like This Is Us has been def a show of “second chances” when it comes to weddings. Maybe they get their second chance at being married.

If I’m being totally honest, I felt the episode was sort of drawn out and I don’t know, I didn’t feel like everyone was at their best. Some of it just felt not as deeply emotional for me. The Miguel part yes, Rebecca calling Kevin Jack yes, Rebecca’s song yes
.but other parts even Madison and Beth - felt a little forced and sort of space filling.

Gotta go watch the previews for next week!


Yep, thanks watched it.

Ironically I never watch previews for upcoming shows. Ever. Or film trailers (unless I’m in a theater and am somewhat forced to watch). The second I see one coming, I switch it off. I always feel like they give away the store or worse.


Forgot that one of the reason’s Randall and Beth’s girls weren’t there was that they would have to be five years older. At least for Annie, would require a different actor.


Yes! That does look like Beth’s dress. I tried to search through the site to see if I could find Madison’s dress as they looked like they matched, but couldn’t find it.