This Is Us. Anyone watching?

This was a tough episode for me. I cried several times. I relate to Miguel saying he just wanted an hour, a day, that was not focused on Alzheimer’s. When you’re a full-time caregiver for a person with dementia, your life is consumed. Entirely consumed.

I loved seeing Milo in the present - when Rebecca saw him instead of Kevin. As this series wraps up each storyline, I’m remembering back to the very beginning when there was all this hype about the show and I hoped it would deliver. It really has. I’ve enjoyed it all the way through.


I thought Kate’s wedding dress was really pretty. And her hair.


I don’t like Philip or Kate and Philip together. The relationship doesn’t feel genuine at all.


I suppose we haven’t been given the chance to fall in love with him. But I agree from what we have seen, I don’t “feel” a deep love or even a real romantic love.


Sterling K Brown posted a video on his Instagram yesterday saying they had 8 more days of work left on the show. He said that the actor who play teen Randall (I think that’s who he was referring to) wrapped up his role yesterday - he was giving huge kudos to “all” the Randall’s which was a nice touch.

And he was giving UBER kudos to Mandy Moore. He said she is 8 years younger than me but can totally play my Mama and he buys it because she is that good.


Totally agree. There is zero chemistry between the actors. And what does Philip see in Kate? He goes from dating models to Kate? Most people have some sort of a physical “type” that they are attracted to and there is zero indication that Kate was his “type”. And it’s not her sparkling, upbeat personality that would win anyone over.

And I know it’s TV but where are these two getting all their money from? I know Kevin could have paid for the wedding but are they depending on him for their livelihood as well? Two teachers in LA would barely be scraping by.

I feel like they could have at least shown the backs of Randall’s kids heads. Maybe shown them dancing or in a group family hug. It seemed like something was missing without them there (although Annie has been missing for years now!).


I’m forgetting…in the cabin “end scene” we haven’t seen Kate…we haven’t seen Phillip either have we??? Might they not even be together in some shape or form at the end???

Not having Randall and Beth’s kids there - it didn’t really dawn on me, and I DO love seeing them…but really as of late their ages are 2 high schoolers and whatever grade Annie is in. I feel like you could definitely take Dasha and Tess and make them look early 20’s using the same actors. Maybe they are studying abroad - the correct CC response. :slight_smile:

In one of the flash forwards (with Kate and Toby watching adult Jack Jr. sing), isn’t Philip there with Kate?

I agree that Kate/Philip isn’t as comfortable because its new. To me, they can be who they are with each other. And Philip is great with Kate’s kids. In terms of types, often I think people find that things don’t work with their type. And its really something else that will work for them. Particularly true if you are Philip grieving over the death of a spouse (and your role in that).


My news-feed popped up with a story theorizing that Kevin is not married at the end but rather he wears a wedding ring because his mom thinks he is Jack and was upset that he didn’t have “his” wedding ring on. Thought that was a different spin. Guess we’ll find out soon enough.


The money/cost of the wedding bugged me, too. It’s like how the not-rich characters in Friends can live in such great apartments. :roll_eyes:


That would be so creepy to me.

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What are thoughts on what would in the penultimate episode would make Mandy throw up and leave Chrissy unable to breathe? There was speculation that either Kate or Miquel (maybe both) were not alive at the time of the cabin flash forward because neither was seen in it. Kate was shown in the further flash forward to Jack Jr. singing so she is alive in the cabin scene (thought is it being Rebecca’s death bed). So maybe Miquel dies in the penultimate episode? Throwing up/unable to breath would indicate to me something has to happen beyond simply Miquel dies. Maybe in combination with Rebecca’s memory issues?

Your thoughts probably mimic mine - must be something terrible like Miguel or someone perhaps dying an untimely death - like an accident. Unexpected.

All I know is, whoever let the cat out of the bag that Mandy was physically ill upon reading that script is going to regret it from the fan base if the episode doesn’t live up to the hype!!


There already was a lot of pressure on the last episode. Knew from the start the show was going to run for 6 seasons. And flash forwards have been giving us glimpses into the end. Recently they doubled the pressure because its now on the last 2 episodes.

Saw a quote from Mandy that she would like to go back to filming scenes with her as a mom with young kids because now that she actually is one, she thinks she could do those scenes better. Was funny to see though I thought she did very well pre-mom being a mom.


I had read this theory on another message board. I do think it’s possible. Or maybe he was gifted his dad’s ring and decided to wear it.

Kevin’s story could end like Joey’s from Friends or Raj’s from Big Bang Theory. Maybe not as part of a couple.

I was really hoping for Madison. The whole preview thing with three possible loves just feels off to me. @jonri your theory is interesting!

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My theory is that the episode that caused the reaction is the one where Rebecca dies. I expect some heart-wrenching scenes when this happens. I think that the final episode focuses on wrapping up what happens to everyone (like an epilogue). That would allow the series to end on a happy note. Just my thoughts - or maybe how I would handle it if I were in charge!


Wonder if all the remaining weeks are just one hour. I think we need a 3 hour finale! I want everything wrapped up in a tidy bow!!!


They are

From the article about the Allegretto Vineyard Resort, the next episode is called “The Night Before the Wedding” also filmed there. So we should get (some) answers to the Kevin mystery next week.

That is an interesting theory about Kevin wearing the wedding ring because she thinks he’s Jack and gets upset if he isn’t wearing his ring. They could have been setting that up with this week’s episode.

I also think that Miguel dies before Rebecca. Hope I’m wrong but it seemed to be setting up something about him.


They should have hugely mentioned Tess, Deja and Annie. Seriously. It’s their aunt getting married and their parents are there and my god, couldn’t they at least have sent their love and best wishes from wherever they are tied up? Send a few bottles of champagne? I didn’t like this being overlooked.
Kevin…geez, I guess we’re gonna get a whole crap load of his love life now. These people are in their mid late 40’s by this episode. They are not children. I guess the most romantic one would of course be Sophie. A late 40-something realizes she indeed does belong with her childhood sweetheart and upends her life to do so. Do we know if she has children? I’m sorry but I think that would be a ridiculous storyline without a whole lot of flashbacks of them running into each other…yeah, right…and longing for each other still. I wish they’d give Kevin a new love, the love he has been waiting for forever. So, given that, given the cocktail napkin poem, could it be the wedding singer? He doesn’t, however, gaze upon her with stars in his eyes, or “oh my gosh, where have you been all my life”, at least not in the preview shown above.
Good episode though, beautiful setting, immensely gratifying that Randal is a Senator now, Kate’s dress was beautiful. And I like Philip. I think he’s cute and endearing. Beth is still my favorite. Great job again on make up. Rebecca’s age spots on her face! Wow. And Miguel is nicely “aged” along, too.