This Is Us. Anyone watching?

The girls are there.

Randall said, “My daughters are my (security) detail so I’m safe.” Then Kevin says, “You’re trusting Annie to stop a bullet? This isn’t Kevin Costner-level security.” Then Randall says, “She’s really fast.”

I went back and rewatched to make sure I had the dialogue correct.


I watched the preview posted above and the wedding singer’s “I like to watch people…who are you waiting for?” just doesn’t seem like it’s going to lead to the answer being “Quinn, Huck’s assassin protege!”

I think it’s going to be Sophie. I was rooting for Madison, but I am happy that she is happy with her stoner husband Elijah who wanted all the edibles for watching the kids. They seem perfectly cute and quirky. She didn’t need the pressure of Kevin’s baggage.

I love this show, but I feel like this season is moving at lightning speed compared to prior seasons. In the past we got detailed back stories of fairly minor characters. Now we are getting rushed marriages of major characters to people we barely know. It feels like they went too slow in prior seasons and now need to tie up too many loose ends in too short a time.


Ooooh, I didn’t catch that. I went back and rewatched. Well, now I’m sure what I said above about the napkin being lyrics written by the singer-songwriter at the bar is correct. Unless I’m falling for another red herring. :roll_eyes: I kind of love the idea of Quinn being his love interest!

Sophie is soooo the predictable choice. Would the writers really do that? As Steve Carrell says in Crazy, Stupid Love … “BORING.” But it would tie it all up nicely so fine. I’ll believe anything at this point.

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If I had to vote today, I’d lean towards Kevin is NOT married, but in a relationship with someone. And the ring - there will be some story behind that not related to him being married (like someone mentioned Jack or Miguel’s ring to soothe Rebecca )


I would find it really annoying if Kevin is not married at the end, given the focus on the wedding ring in the Rebecca’s deathbed scene. At that point, it appears Rebecca is pretty much gone and so why would Kevin have to pretend to be Jack?

I am thinking it may be the wedding singer (fka Quinn). As someone said, she is a fairly well known actress and makes sense she came on for more than just a cameo. OTH, maybe she loves the show and wanted to be a part of it, even briefly. New start, new love?

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There are 5 more episodes.

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Thank you. I totally missed that. Still, a weird bit of programming to not see even a glimpse of them! LOL.

As others have noted, I think not seeing Randall’s kids was more a matter of casting another set of actors who were the right ages than any type of slight.


Katie Lowes who plays the wedding singer has only two appearances listed in IMDB, one of which is next week’s episode titled “The Night Before the Wedding” and it says “The night before Kate’s wedding, Kevin’s love life takes an unexpected turn.” This actress is in a current brand new sitcom called “How We Roll”. So, if she isn’t in any of the last four episodes, hard to imagine she is Kevin’s S.O.


I double checked and Mandy Moore’s IMDB lists 108 episodes, so that does include all 18 from this season. Your rationale makes sense! I would be much happier with someone we know or no one at all. This is good news, in my book.


I checked Chrissy Metz on IMDB and she’s in the last episode, but that really doesn’t tell us much does it?

Milo is listed in the last episode too and Jack’s been dead for years.
I also noticed the next episode, after next week’s The Night Before the Wedding, is called Miguel so maybe we’ll finally get the Miguel/Rebecca story.

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All 3 are series regulars and are listed in the opening credits (and therefore are included in the IMDb episode count) whether they appear in the episode or not.

She’s a guest star. IMDb is updated based on production’s press releases, which I believe is only updated through next week’s episode.

Trying to glean something through IMDb is the adult version of portal astrology. :joy:


I’m glad you said that because I checked Katie’s IMDB several days ago, and only one episode was listed so was surprised to see two on here. Busy bees over at IMDB to do continual updating.


Lol, it’s like we are all in line to crack the case of how this will all play out!


Agree. I just love Beth - she gets such good lines and does them so well!


I will be so mad if it is Sophie. Just too unrealistic (but it is This is Us… :grinning:)

In what world would Sophie give Kevin another shot? Her mother and all her girlfriends would be like “are you crazy??”

I like Cassidy, but like the idea of she and Kevin just being friends. Kevin needs to be able to be just friends with a woman.

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Not sure if this is allowed (or if it will even work), but Ken Olin tweeted this:

I have to admit I only recognized a handful of the cast.

I came on here to post this exact thing! lol