This Is Us. Anyone watching?

In a couple books I’ve read recently - and one I’m reading now, a couple gets together, marries and breaks up twice and both still think of getting together. It may not happen in real life so much, but it does in fiction! Fiction is usually a blend of real life and ideal life.

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Now another idea could be that Elijiah dies and Kevin and Madison marry in the future.

Or Elijah falls in love with Cassidy, leaving Madison available for Kevin. Just kidding.

We do know a couple that divorced after 20 years, then remarried. But in that case, there were no other marriages in between.

I have heard of couples marrying multiple times, but presumably both have been “at fault”/grow apart, etc. In this case Kevin has messed it up both times. Why would Sophie try a third time??

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Well, it’s one of those “very romantic” ideas for one to re-unite with their first love. Sophie was at the wedding alone, no spouse? All may not be well in her world. It would be nice to circle around to Kevin and Sophie in the end.

Did Sophie have a wedding ring on? Could she be widowed? (Hate that word but it gets the thought across)

And…too late to edit my above thoughts…Sophie has not been “with us” lately so I am not warm to her, don’t feel like I know her. Maybe the last episodes will feature her as Kevin’s “new” love and we’ll get to know her better.

I was watching something on YouTube and this came up as a suggestion to watch. I was all, “Who is Hailey???” I forgot we meet the grownup kids down the road.

Did they establish that Jack’s blindness is genetically passed to males? I am guessing that’s why Hailey is so relieved it’s a girl.

Didn’t we see this scene in an episode from a previous season? I feel like I have seen it before.

We definitely have. I had just forgotten all about it.

I had, too.

I thought his blindness was related to his premature birth.

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I was kind of frustrated that with the wedding episode also were the flashback scenes of young mom Rebecca getting her haircut short and regretting it and being tired of their predictable life. Really? Can you give me something more dramatic then this in the last couple of episodes? I agree, wanted to see Randall’s girls at the wedding. Don’t really feel the connection between Kate and new husband. Love the show but this episode left me wanting more and beginning to wonder if I am going to be left disappointed?


I agree. At this point, I really don’t see what the flashbacks add to the storyline. So Mom got a new haircut and didn’t like it. Kids were rude about it….not sure what that tells us about anything.

Just a question…at what point in the kids lives was Jack an alcoholic? Seems like it was a big deal in the first couple of seasons but now they never refer to it.


Yeah, can’t really remember if the kids were toddlers or school aged when his drinking was an issue. I’ve also thought for a while that they were setting Beth up to also have drinking issues b/c it seemed like every scene she was in she had a giant glass of wine in her hands and was her go to when she was stressed but doesn’t seem like they are going any where with that…


I thought the hair thing was kind of a full-circle moment to show the kids had trouble with change in Rebecca and are having to deal with a major change in Rebecca now. And to show whether there had been growth in the kids.

One of the people I followed while raising my kids was T. Berry Brazelton. Y’all remember him? He always referred to “ghosts in the nursery,” meaning what is there from our childhoods that we bring into adulthood. That’s how I think about all those flashbacks. But I do get the sentiment of, “Hey, we are running out of time! Quit spending so much on the flashbacks!”


I met Barry. Definitely one of the people I have most admired in my profession. :100:

I think we have seen reoccurring times in Rebecca’s life where she wanted a little more for herself. To have things for HERSELF, not just be serving others. When she wanted to sing but Jack was jealous. When she wanted to date that guy after Jack died, but her kids - and Miguel - judged her. When she told her kids “don’t let my illness stop you - go for your dreams” - because she always had inspirations!

Also she did not have the best relationship with her own mother - maybe it was important to be more than a mom - or “pound of ham” - to be recognized for more. A haircut on a whim can be a step towards that.


Flash backs have often had tie ins to the current day and current day to flash forwards. All of life being connected. I looked at Rebecca concerned in the flash back about losing herself to routine. As we know (as is often the case with kids), there was less routine when the kids were teens. Jack talked about not a lot of routine in his life as a young kid (and in a bad way). At Kate’s second wedding, people would have loved more routine (much uncertainty as to the path of her illness). In the end at the cabin, I suspect there was more routine (and it wasn’t a good routine).

They also tie in music. Song Rebecca sang at restaurant (with her Diana cut) was the same as she sung at Kate’s second wedding. Moon Shadow was sung at different times in the series as well (including when Jack first saw Rebecca).


I loved Dr. Brazelton. His two books on “touchpoints” were so helpful to me, understanding my young kids’ development. :slight_smile: @abasket , cool that you got to meet him.


I thought the hair cutting Rebecca got on Kate’s wedding day triggered the memory of that other haircut. When everyone else saw Rebecca singing that song at Kate’s wedding, Rebecca was going down memory lane and thinking of the only other time that she played the piano and sang that song for an audience other than her family. To me, at least, it’s not entirely clear that Rebecca really knew where she was when she sang at Kate’s wedding or whether she thought Kevin was Jack leading her to the piano after they ate dinner at a restaurant on the day she got the short haircut.