This Is Us. Anyone watching?

You are not in the minority! I said the same thing. Her mom and all of her friends would be like, “NOOOOOOO…”.

I will admit, I did think the show pulled it off pretty well, but I thought the Valentine was too corny. Good point about that being in the past when Sophie specifically said she wanted to move forward.

I like Cassidy and happy she is Kevin are friends - he needs to have female friends.

Why, after all these seasons, are we just getting Miguel’s back story? But I assume they will pull it off well and it will be all wrapped up in one episode.

I am ready for all the answers, no more questions.

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Sophie is a 45 year old woman whose mother has died. She is divorced and travels for her job so maybe lonely. Seems a little introverted. I think she’s past doing what’s guaranteed and just wanting love - apparently a love that has never gone fully away (as evidenced by more than one Kevin encounter that was tempting in the middle of her marriages!)


It’s Miguel night! Grab your popcorn and your kleenex??? :thinking:


Woot! Woot! :tada: :tada: :tada:

Also :cry:

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I missed the very beginning. Where is Miguel’s family from?

Puerto Rico.

Thanks, @sevmom. Then I got a phone call! So missed a chunk of the family story :frowning: But I got the gist of it. I do have to admit, the reconnection on his business trip and their kiss, etc. It seemed hokey, awkward. They just didn’t seem really attracted. It looked forced. Anyone feel the same? Then again, their relationship in their older years is very believable.

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And what americanized/anglicized name did he use on his resume at the store?

The Billy Joel song killed me. :cry:

I only grateful he didn’t die tragically. What a story.

The ashes at the end. Heartbreaking and heartwarming. :heart: :broken_heart:


Mike River or Rivers–not sure which.

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I think you just need to watch the episode again, from the start.

Mike Rivers.

Kevin going to Miguel’s son’s house really got to me. And the ending. Very emotional episode.


Miguel needed to die so that it could get back to the Big Three to be there at the end for Rebecca.

Who jumped a mile when he fell
On the snow/ice outside?

Also, Kevin helping Miguel up at 6:45 am after he helped Rebecca put her slippers on. :cry:. Kevin coming through STRONG during this episode. Also Randall when he talked to Miguel on the couch .


I sobbed horribly at the end.

As with other storylines (e.g., Kevin & Sophie), they portrayed dysfunctional relationships and imperfections and tied them up nicely at the end with him reconciling with his kids. It might be totally unrealistic, but as I said last week I am a sucker for a happy ending, or as happy as any of our endings can be.

I will miss Miguel if he isn’t in the next 3 episodes. I guess I can understand why Milo is a little disgruntled about how his character fizzled over the years because I am far sadder about Miguel’s death than I was Jack’s.


And here we go again though-Randall shows up at this cabin by himself and says Beth and the girls will be coming separately. They are in Philadelphia! Where is this cabin that it is so easy to get to?

Liked the Clemente and Mazeroski references. East Liberty actually IS Pittsburgh, a neighborhood within Pittsburgh.


The East Liberty thing bugged me, too. A writer who knows enough to mention East Liberty knows that it IS Pittsburgh.

I liked that the house where Miguel’s dad was gardening looked like it could have been in Shadyside or Squirrel Hill, which would have made sense for someone living in East Liberty but gardening for wealthier families.

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Absolutely, @CCName1 , looked like more of a house you would see in other neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, as opposed to East Liberty.


Loved the episode. Excellent writing. His death wasn’t as tragic as I feared. More thoughts tomorrow, though I will say I loved how Kevin walking in on them kissing in the cabin was great acting. This is years ago so we saw a more immature Kevin.


I might. I tried to follow when on the phone.