<p><a href=“http://www.theu.com/site/watch/index.php?school=upenn[/url]”>http://www.theu.com/site/watch/index.php?school=upenn</a></p>
<p>Wow, thanks, that's awesome!</p>
<p>wow amazing site</p>
<p>omg this makes me want to go to penn even more</p>
<p>AWESOME site though mucho gracias</p>
<p>every other school looks pathetic compared to penn</p>
<p>they eulogize penn for both its social scene and its superior academics. similarly, the kids seem cooler than the kids at the other school.</p>
<p>Brown looks second best compared to penn.</p>
<p>Go Penn. Haha i'll hate that site if i don't get in. none of my other choices look appealing on it.</p>
<p>conan went to harvard!..daaaamn...watchin the vids reminded me why penn is perfect for me</p>
<p>oh please... you guys needed a video to tell you why penn is the ****?</p>
<p>glad u guys like it. i stole it from the cornell forum (i'm applied to Cornell ED) but thought everyone should see the site.</p>
<p>i want to go so badly! but i guess everyone already knows that. that movie is quite well done. i love gregory smith...</p>
<p>gregory smith is really nice. my friends best friends with him.</p>
<p>are you serious? wow! you've met him?</p>
<p>Great site, thanks for sharing! I just spent an hour looking at all of the schools I'm applying to; they're all on the list:)</p>
<p>And, as we all know, Penn kicks a**!</p>
<p>haha you got that from the cornell forum? lol if you see cornell's video, it doesn't even look as great as how they made penn look! lol awesome site</p>
<p>i did steal it from the cornell forum.
ilovelamp: ya i did get ot meet him. he is really nice.</p>
<p>i am still amazed. i am quite a big fan. everwood is a great show and he's a really good actor. and he's so cute too...</p>
<p>haha. my friend went to visit the set a while back.</p>
<p>ugh! that sucked. "PENN, man! TOTALLY XXTREME!!! DRINKING, YEAHHH!!! cue beer shot! cue more beer! yeahhh!!! wooo!!! Penn is Dope!" Seriously, the more I see of the preppy, popped collar polo shirt d*** constituency that goes to penn, the less I want to go. Well, I guess I'm still ok since I'll never have a problem hanging out with the asian crowd. Look for me, I'll be the only white kid at ASA.</p>
<p>you shoulda done your research, I noticed that right away... :)</p>
<p>i think i knew, it just didnt slap me in the face until now</p>
<p>"preppy, popped collar polo shirt d*** constituency that goes to penn"</p>
<p>The other side of that coin is that this "preppy, popped collar polo shirt" student body is also one of the most brilliant collection of minds next to HYPSM.</p>