Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

I must have missed the “meltdown,” since I’m not on Twitter. The stock price is up today, but sits at about $37-38/share, which is the share price Twitter has been hovering around for the last few days. :man_shrugging:

Musk just needs to close the deal or settle and run far and run fast. :grinning:

Bots are everywhere and they’re here to stay. No one is getting rid of US unless SkyNet wants to get rid of US. :laughing:


What else is Twitter supposed to say as we are finding out half of Biden’s 44 million “followers” are bots? Musk is the buyer. If he’s unwilling to go forward, the deal is essentially “on hold”. He’s in the driver’s seat at the moment. Doesn’t mean there won’t be litigation but Twitter did agree to the $1 billion liquidated damages amount. And a few million in legal fees might get Musk out of the deal. Who knows :thinking:.

I’m definitely enjoying my popcorn :popcorn::popcorn:!


That could come into play if there was another buyer lined up if Musk decided to step away. There is that pesky “specific performance” clause though. Delaware judges are well versed in corporate and antitrust laws… I will leave it to them to deal with the signed contract. Musk is not guaranteed a win, but one this is for sure: Musk will put out a good “S” show. He has someone to look up to for precedent.

Another sure thing: some lawyers will bill a crapload of hours. :sunglasses:


That seems to be attributed to SparkToro or use of its Fake Followers tool.

Looks like politicians in general have lots of followers that look like bots, according to a 2018 check of multiple politicians by SparkToro: We Analyzed Every Twitter Account Following Donald Trump: 61% Are Bots, Spam, Inactive, or Propaganda - SparkToro

SparkToro also says something about Elon Musk’s followers: SparkToro & Followerwonk Joint Twitter Analysis: 19.42% of Active Accounts Are Fake or Spam - SparkToro

I guess I’m the only one who is sick and tired about hearing about Elon Musk.


I’m with you. I look at this thread every couple of days, starting with the most recent post and going backward, to see whether any minds have been changed. :rofl: I only get about three or four posts back and leave. He’s my neighbor so I really have seen enough coverage of him. :nauseated_face:


I’m probably in there :joy:. I look at my twitter account maybe once a month.

Ultimately, I don’t really care if Twitter files for bankruptcy or Musk does, or both, or anywhere in between.

I’m just watching this :poop: show, like I do with Survivor on CBS every Wednesday night. It’s a great reality show to me.

The purchase by Musk was all about “free speech,” but aren’t WE bots entitled to free speech too. Where’s our 1st Amendment rights? :laughing:


I identify as a real account.

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That’s exactly what a bot would say.


Takes one to know one.


All this talk about bots brings up a question… Is Musk a real person? :face_with_monocle: Or is he some form of AI? :laughing:


Not at all clear… :grinning:


I adore Andy Borowitz!


Me too!

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A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!


I’d rather hear about Twitter & Elon than Johnny Depp and Amber Heard!


It’s like picking between diarrhea and migraine, :laughing:!


too close to home. (I just got over a bout of norovovirus.)

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He’s actually Batman.