Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

The fun never stops. He must be a sophisticated bot for that…I need more popcorn!

What are the odds this “free speech warrior” releases those bound by NDAs with him to speak freely? :rofl:


You knew the hatchet job on Musk was coming. I can’t believe it took this long. Stay tuned this person won’t be the last.


Well that’s been an eventful week. His mental collapse is well underway. Financial collapse is just getting started. I hope no one on this thread is invested in Tesla…


Musk publicly challenging the woman he paid $250K to stay silent to describe his junk in the midst of his stock price tanking really wasn’t how I saw the week ending.

Well, he did previously say that if there was ever a scandal about him, it should be called … Elongate.


I would be really surprised if there were no scandal involving him. Every public figure has a scandal. Let’s see if they can cancel Musk.

I don’t care about billionaire vanity projects. All I know is that I won’t be sending my child to any schools tainted by Musk. UPenn. Stanford. They’re all trash now in my eyes.

The story of Elon Musk and Stanford seems a bit cloudy. He’s claimed he dropped out of a PhD there after two days before attending any classes. That’s odd to say the least and others might doubt some of his accounts are entirely truthful (like the suggestion that he paid for Penn by hosting parties for 500 people every weekend, which appears in the Vance bio, but no one who was there at the time has any recollection of

I’d be more worried for Elon University which has seen surging applications in recent years, perhaps due to increased name recognition…

It looks like “Chinese Twitter” is scrubbing possible deepfakes, even Musk clones!:

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But definitely keep the Tesla. :grinning: (I’m kidding, of course)

Nice of you to make room for others who want a spot :+1:t3::grinning:


You seem to be implying that this woman is lying about her experience with Musk.

This thread is currently like the internet version of the National Enquirer.

Musk’s visit to Brazil speaks for itself:

She could be. That’s a very small settlement from the world’s richest man.

And the timing of the “story” also seems curious. The incident allegedly happened in 2016, the settlement was 2018 but the “friend” suddenly felt the need to share it 6 years later in 2022?


I don’t know why I’m still surprised and disappointed by the ongoing judgement against women who are victims of sexual assault by wealthy, powerful men, when the women don’t immediately report the assault to the police.
It seems that no matter how much vitriol is thrown at those women who eventually do come forward, many still can’t really grasp why women don’t come forward immediately when they are assaulted. Somehow, there’s always reason to think that these victims must be lying. After all, it always goes so well for the women who do come forward, doesn’t it?


The person who came forward with the story isn’t the victim.

From the article it doesn’t sound like the victim ever went to the police or ended up in court. She hired an attorney, filed a claim with HR, went to mediation and eventually there was a severance package that included the $250k payment.

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From the article:


Or so she claims. We don’t have enough facts about this “incident” for either story to be credible as of yet.