Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

For some reason this meme came to mind



It looks like Elonā€™s favorite regulator is sending him letters again:

Is the deal still ā€œon holdā€?


I guess weā€™re no closer to knowing any more than we did yesterdayā€¦


Iā€™m not an M&A expert so my question is why would banks be willing to finance a deal where the stock price in the contract is now $14.00 higher than the stockā€™s current market price? Is sufficient cash flow to service the debt the primary consideration?

Often acquiring companies pay a premium to the current market price, but its been a while since the PA was signed, and by now the market probably thinks the deal wonā€™t happen.

And as long as Musk uses his other companies for security, then his lenders might not care as much about cash flow to service the debt. The lenders would ultimately probably prefer getting equity in his other companies anyway.

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Iā€™m pretty sure Twitter scrubbed that data. Bot accounts are easy to spot, and Iā€™m very sure itā€™s above the 20% markā€¦and WAY above the 5% Twitter said.

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Youā€™re ā€œaccusingā€ Twitter of erasing data in order to support false data claimed and provided to their investors in SEC filings?

Youā€™re pretty sure huh? :grinning:


Very very sure :grinning:

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Twitterā€™s position regarding the bot calculation is kind of bizarre. If the 5% is accurate they should be able to explain how they calculated it. The fact that their first response was to stall or deflect in providing that information is odd. And now their second response is to ā€œfirehoseā€ the data and require musk to plow through all of it to figure out whether the 5% number is accurateā€¦doesnā€™t seem to be good faith behavior.

If this is a figure/percentage the company has included in public SEC filings for years why are they being evasive as to how itā€™s calculated? It doesnā€™t need to be a public explanation but it seems perfectly reasonable that a purchaser and their lender deserve the information.

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In your opinion. Which without data is simply your guess.

Regardless, move on from debating percentages.


No one was stepping up to buy Twitter, but Musk. Itā€™s not like there was some kind of bidding war that broke out for the company, so why in the world would the buyer waive their right to perform due diligence?

And now Twitter is giving him information, while Musk is literally tweeting :poop: and thatā€™s considered bad faith behavior on the sellerā€™s part? Only in America. :laughing:


Itā€™s bad faith if the amount of data provided is designed to make it difficult to determine or obscure the bot figure. The question is how is that percentage calculated. How hard is it to provide an explanation? If Iā€™m the SEC Iā€™m thinking I might want to know now too.

On the flip side, the longer it takes to figure it outā€¦ā€¦ā€¦the longer the deal is delayed.

How is tweeting a poo emoji bad faith? Immature? Absolutely. But Twitter is catnip for the immature and narcissistic :grin:.


If? Does anyone know this to be true or are ā€œweā€ making an assumption? If weā€™re talking about breaking rules, letā€™s not forget Musk waited something like 21 days to disclose his 9.6% position in Twitter. Yep, Musk is the angel here. :grinning:

First, Mr. Hyperloop should be able to find some MIT or Cal Tech PhD (or anyone) to sift through the Twitter data. I canā€™t believe thereā€™s no one available to search data and ā€œfigure it out.ā€ BUT, he waived his right to do due diligence.

Second, the whole bot issue, if there even is one, has been debated long before Musk made his unsolicited offer. If he was suspicious, then why did he waive his right to perform due diligence? So this point should be moot. Period. He waived due diligence.

My using the :poop: emoji is two fold and I added this at the end :laughing: too. First, he actually tweeted the :poop: emoji, but heā€™s also tweeted a few other items about the Twitter deal that are considered IMO :poop: too. Oh and there was that whole violating SEC rules thing too.

From my view from the cheap seats, heā€™s a person with no honor. Just a ā€œhuckster.ā€

Or call him a ā€œgrifterā€:


My ā€œsuggestionā€ to move on applies to the two posters above, as well.

Is this an example of how the self-proclaimed ā€œfree speech absolutistā€ is going to protect ā€œfree speechā€ on Twitter?

Oh, is the deal still ā€œon holdā€? :rofl:

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Bravo Elon! A handful of activist employees can make a workplace toxic. Other companies (Google) are trimming similarly.


NDAs as part of lawsuit settlements, NDAs for employees, and firing employees who speak up are all positive things consistent with being a free speech absolutist?

To be clear, I think those are all pretty normal. But deeply hypocritical and ironic from someone who claims to be a proponent of unfettered free speech.