Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

thats behind a paywall

Opened just fine for me on the phone.

That looks like PS of Seattle.

Twitter HQ is on Market Street, so you could maybe say it’s on the edge of the Tenderloin, maybe. I think if anyone in SF were describing where it is, they’d say “Civic Center” (or just “on Market Street”), rather than “in the Tenderloin”.

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With a payout like this, these guys can simply retire…

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This is so funny. From Wired: Elon Musk’s Twitter Will Be Chaos

The entrepreneur’s laundry list of ideas includes scrapping content moderation, charging subscription fees, and even branching out beyond social media.

Sounds like a sound business model to me and possible even profitable. I might even buy stock if it goes public under this “Chaos model”.

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He’s also promising advertisers that they can expect a warmer and corporate-friendly Twitter world that’s safe for their advertising dollars. It’s not clear to anyone how to reconcile that with all the other things he’s promising, so it’s going to be quite a circus over the next couple months as he dashes from pillar to post trying to be all things to all people.

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Fake it until you make it (or not)! :laughing:


Pandora’s box has been opened. Those who were waiting for this moment have already seized on it to post their views. I hope all the advertisers pull their ads and all the celebrities stop using the platform.


I wish them well. There are far too many tech employees entering or approaching unemployment right now. Buckle up , it’s getting bad out there.


Yes, there are a lot of tech employees who need jobs. And there are a lot of jobs available right now.

Fewer than you think.

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Hmmm what will Ye do on Twitter…:popcorn:
Will one be able to tell the difference between Elon’s Twitter and Trump’s Truth Social??


For many celebrities, Twitter is now as relevant as Facebook and MySpace


Well, this is a surprise (not):

Racist tweets quickly surfaced after Musk closed Twitter deal

A wide range of anonymous Twitter accounts celebrated Musk’s takeover and argued it meant the old rules against bigotry no longer applied


My prediction is that this goes down as the most overpaid M&A tech deal in history. (worse than AOL)

My fear is that Elon gets dragged down into the Twitter rabbit hole and loses focus on EV innovation and rockets to Mars.


When I mentioned that Pandora’s box had been opened, I had just finished reading that article. I find it scary.

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Please lets keep political commentary in the politics forum. Thank you.

Free speech has a price. Hate speech has been unleashed and advertisers aren’t interested:


Twitter users posted many examples of the hate speech that flooded Twitter yesterday. One tweet I saw was nothing but the N-word written over and over until the user ran out of characters. This element is absolutely gleeful about the “return of free speech” and believe that Musk bought the app to allow for just this kind of expression. I guess we will see soon enough if this is where Twitter is headed.