Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

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Thanks @oldmom4896

Very amusing!

Personally, I would hand the Turkey of the Year prize to SBF and his bro/gal Bahamas cohabiting crowd. Mr. Musk though is a solid runner up.

Feels way too glib to me to be giving any ā€œawardsā€ (even in jest) to SBF/FTX. Would Bernie Madoff have been deemed worthy of an award? The only thing I think he should be getting is a perp walk.

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Madoff got an ā€œawardā€ of 150 years in prison.

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The ā€œprizeā€ā€™we are talking about is similar to Razzies or Schnobelsā€¦ in business world, that Turkey prize means some sort of an SEC inquiry - likely with some serious consequences.

The Kara Swisher interview is really good, and succinctly covers a number of the issues in play. Thanks for sharing that.


If a moderator deletes your post, reposting will invariably result in deletion.

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What a surprise. The self proclaimed ā€œfree speech absolutistā€ doesnā€™t seem to have much of a grasp on the concept of free speech.

MElon has many flaws, but heā€™s not an idiot. He understands the legal definition of Free Speech. Heā€™s simply, like his buddy, ginning up his base with simple nitwit declarations they can grasp, run with, and parrot. Itā€™s working.


Assuming he spent 44B to become more popular with a specific group, then sure that makes sense and would explain many of his actions.

But if he actually want to make money off Twitter, insulting and alienating advertisers is counter-productive. Especially when this one specific advertiser has the power to kick him off its app store, combined with the fact that the guy who runs the app store recently closed his Twitter account, and the fact that Twitter has already received warnings about its app store status.


This man isnā€™t colorful. Heā€™s a menace. Why some of you are so vigorously defending this megalomaniac is truly baffling.


He wants to be able to distribute his apps through the Apple App Store without paying Apple a dime. Thatā€™s why he is making the anti-Apple noise disguised as a quest for free speech.


The amount Apple charges app developers is an ongoing issue that will resonate with many.

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They are free not to sell through that channel. :slight_smile: You know, freedom of speech and all. :wink:

(There is not a single app on my phone that has not come with it, and Iā€™m not suffering. :slight_smile: )

Just stating a fact. Think of it as you will.

I think heā€™s also preparing his supporters for Twitter getting kicked off the app store due to policy violations around content moderation (or lack thereof).

Itā€™s a little bit ironic that Musk has been having loads of fun willy-nilly kicking his detractors off Twitter and is now in danger of getting kicked off Appleā€™s app store all while shouting ā€œfree speechā€.

On a side note I do agree that Appleā€™s sell-through fees are extortionate. However ā€œfree speechā€ and all that. Probably some government regulation is in order, but again ironically Musk is very much against government regulation.


I think that Apple should be able to charge what the market will bear, and evidently that can be as much as 30% for certain high selling apps.

I donā€™t support governmental meddling in such transactions.

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I wonder if Musk responded with a poop emoji and asked France why they hate free speech?


If I am being honestā€¦ Iā€™ve been on twitter more in the last few weeks then in the last few years.