Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

It’s a trope used in the past by Musk himself because he got his feels hurt.

Unsworth drew the ire of Musk following the rescue when he gave a brief interview to CNN and ridiculed his submarine, which he said “had absolutely no chance of working”. He added that Musk should “stick his submarine where it hurts”.

The billionaire entrepreneur lashed out at Unsworth on Twitter, where he called the caver a “pedo guy” to his 22 million followers. Under intense criticism from the public and his company’s investors, Musk apologised and deleted the tweets, but he subsequently revived the baseless allegations in another series of tweets about a month later. Musk also alleged in another baseless allegation that Unsworth was a “child rapist” in an email to a BuzzFeed reporter.

What a jerk.


He’s gone beyond being a jerk to being a threat to people’s physical safety and well-being. He’s certainly on the path to getting someone hurt or killed.

Here’s how my perception of Musk has changed over the years:
visionary → genius → jerk → a-hole → delusional lunatic → openly malicious, violent danger to others

edit to add this link: Yoel Roth, Twitter’s Former Safety Head, Forced Into Hiding After Threats: Reports | HuffPost Latest News




I still believe he is a visionary AND a jerk.

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I think it’s gone beyond just being a jerk. Steve Jobs behaved like a jerk to his employees, and I’m sure the same is true of many billionaires, but didn’t publicly attack prominent (let alone less well known) individuals so they feared for their lives.


Musk’s carbon credit sales via Tesla are the ONLY thing keeping his house of cards afloat. MSNBC was discussing today whether Q-Elon’s irrationality regarding Twitter, weed, his obsession with calling people who diss him “pedos” etc was enough to get the SpaceX contract canceled.

And remember that the US can instill invoke a CFIUS challenge to the Twitter takeover given the large amount of foreign investment, particularly by Saudi Arabia (a procedure that Trump invoked numerous times).

I saw today that E-Loon was now “Number 2” in terms of the richest person in the world. We all know rankings are suspect, but “Number 2”, in so many ways, is a perfect description of today’s wannabe Tony Stark/Iron Man. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sleep tight, sweet prince of “free speech absolutism”… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :zzz:


Ugh. I miss being able to just laugh on a post… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Outbillionnaired by cognac, coated canvas bags, and some bubbly. Shaking my head…


Musk has now suspended the ElonJet tracker on Twitter, despite declaring last month he wouldn’t ban it.

The meltdown (both him personally and Tesla’s share price) continues apace.


I wonder if developers are still eager to work day and night at this hardcore company for the thrill of doing something allegedly meaningful?


I wish I could say I was surprised yesterday when I read about Musk planning to not pay the severance he had committed to, but all I could think was “welp; that tracks”. Such a disgusting person. It’s impossible to understand how he thinks he won’t be on the hook for these obligations, plus damages.


More QElon . . .

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Banning NYT, WaPo, and CNN journalists now.

These past statement from Elon are well and truly in the rear view mirror.
“I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means.”
“ I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. ”
“ Sorry to be a free speech absolutist.”
“ Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.”
“ This is a battle for the future of civilization. If free speech is lost even in America, tyranny is all that lies ahead.”
“Free speech doesn’t apply to anyone that says bad or funny things about me.” (ok I made that last one up)

I took a psychology class in college, so I think I’m able to offer my “professional” diagnosis. :grinning:

Musk appears to me to suffer from “avoidant personality disorder” (fears ridicule), which can be caused by anxiety and/or depression.

And the lack sleep and losing huge sums of money could be contributing to his declining mental health.


This thread is too long, but my opinion is: It was a BAD idea.

Another new Post user, Musk’s ex-wife:

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But… but… he has an excuse! It is all about his safety! Funny how that was not an issue for him until now.

I’ll take those problems any day if I was as THAT rich!


Leapin’ lizards!

A lot of flight tracking services (like Flightaware or ADSBExchange) that are publicly available online are real-time or just a few seconds delay. You can easily monitor ATC (e.g., approach, terminal, and departure frequencies at many US airports) online in real-time.

Elon: Given your apparent Penn and Stanford degrees and that you are the self-proclaimed leading technology industrialist (much like Tony Stark? :rofl:), I guess you understand why it’s important for there to be real-time flight tracking? Most obviously, It might prevent disasters, so, please understand that it’s not about you.

Most VIPs flying their own/private aircraft have pre-arranged special access at FBOs (fixed-base operators at many airports in the US and around the world) and have security. Given your immense wealth, I suppose it might not be too much for you to spend some of this cash to address your concerns?

Musk’s Gulfstream’s “N number” is a matter of public record as he well knows. Anyone can track most aircraft (except probably certain high security flights…and, no, Elon, you don’t count for that).

So, IMO, it’s a bit absurd for him to claim the student who developed the automatic tracker for Musk’s plane that is now banned on Twitter is somehow “doxxing” him. It is also extremely paranoid.

But then again, recently everything about him and his increasingly bizarre behavior is absurd.

ETA: Elon, Iron Man can fly without a plane, so he doesn’t require an N-number. I guess, to that extent, that may distinguish you from him? :superhero: (but I don’t think this is Iron Man!) Perhaps you can now devote your immense wealth, technological prowess, and industrial and manufacturing acumen to develop your own non-trackable flight suit. To help you along, here’s some research to help you design that!

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