Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Actually, I am intrigued about Musk’s paranoia about being “doxxed” as another Elon-Esque exception to his “free speech absolutism” as his excuse to ban Jack Sweeney from Twitter.

I just saw this on FlightAware, which is what I usually use to track commercial flights of family members to make sure I am not waiting at airports for hours:

Isn’t the accessibility of this information violating the privacy of people traveling on private aircraft?

No, for many reasons:

  1. The aircraft being displayed on FlightAware are operating in public airspace. They are arriving and departing from airports with their identification number painted on the aircraft. They are broadcasting their whereabouts and intentions on public radio frequencies. They are all using services provided by the federal government. Accordingly, this information is completely public in many forms.
  2. Aircraft owners have the option of blocking their identification from being released to the public.
  3. Countless companies offer services and information identical to FlightAware for a subscription fee.

Without Internet flight tracking, an individual could simply listen to the appropriate frequencies to hear their tail number of interest’s next destination in the form of, “citation niner alpha mike, santa monica ground, you’re cleared to las vegas executive as filed . . .” In the case of an individual trying to determine the tail number of an individual that is known to be departing a certain airport for a particular destination, they already know where the individual is going so there is hardly any knowledge gained in that circumstance. Even easier, aircraft owner information is available on the country’s aircraft registry web site for search or download. If an individual doesn’t have an aviation radio receiver, ATC (air traffic control) frequencies are broadcasted on countless web sites for enthusiasts and many web sites even archive ATC conversations for web users to download at a later date.

Isn’t this information a big security risk? Is FlightAware helping terrorists?

This information is public knowledge and not a security risk. The assertion that knowing aircraft whereabouts, routing, or airport activity promotes terrorism or is a security risk is much like suggesting that train or subway routes and schedules should not be published.

[ Frequently Asked Questions - FlightAware](https:// Frequently Asked Questions - FlightAware)

Elon: in addition, there are many steps you can take like paying these flight trackers to block your N-number etc. So start doing that and stop harassing people with your anti-free speech!

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I wonder if he had his developers whip him up a mobile app so he can ban people right from his phone?



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Do not mess with EU… their lawmakers can bite.


So now they are referring to the Twitter journalist suspensions as “The Thursday Night Massacre”:

Holy shades of Watergate, Batman!

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SIL reported that yesterday any tweets the linked to another messaging system (like Mastodon) were being deleted or the link removed.

SIL is a research physicist/mathematician and uses twitter to communicate with colleagues around the world. However after all the turmoil at Twitter, many of them moved to Mastodon so individuals still using twitter will frequently post links to Mastodon. Now those messages are being deleted or are having their Mastodon links removed from their tweets.

Am I the only one who reads EMs antics and hears a bratty whiney schoolkid on a playground? Nah nah you can’t play with us…I’m rubber you’re glue…


Not me, I don’t use Twitter so I don’t care one iota. Instead, I just sit back with my popcorn and watch the show.


Now he’s decided to ban links to other social networks for fear of people leaving. As his own tweet put ita few months ago:

“The acid test for any two competing socioeconomic systems is which side needs to build a wall to keep people from escaping? That’s the bad one!”


Great balls of fire!:

What will happen to “free speech absolutism” if Musk steps down?

I doubt he would step down. Maybe, in positional name only, but IMO he runs his companies.

As our dear defender of the First Amendment often quotes:

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

Even one of Tesla’s largest shareholders and self-proclaimed “Elon fanboy” wants him out of Tesla given how much time Musk is spending on Twitter:

Methinks something’s gotta give for the Tony Stark wannabe.


“No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive. There is no successor,” Musk tweeted. “The question is not finding a CEO, the question is finding a CEO who can keep Twitter alive.”

Some would argue Twitter already doesn’t have a CEO who can keep it alive.

This part I think the article got wrong:
Musk has frequently changed Twitter’s rules by executive fiat and with no notice, banning people who violate the new rules

The order is reversed - he bans people and then creates rules to explain the bans.


Here’s a followup article to Musk’s new CEO poll. It’s especially hilarious since his followers are likely heavily weighted towards fanbois who I expect would support anything he does. Of course I expect Musk will either pretend the poll never happened or maybe just do another one hoping for a different result, like he did for the banned journalists poll.

But the truly funny part is at the last couple paragraphs at the end where three of Musk’s cronies who’ve been helping him at Twitter also got voted off the island.

Moral of the story: never run a poll with yourself as an option when you’re massively unpopular.


Things that make you go hmmm…


Yikes!! I just looked at Tesla stock!:flushed:

It’s not hard to see why. Musk is doing a pretty masterful job of tanking the stock.

First he’s selling huge quantities of Tesla stock to both purchase Twitter and cover ongoing losses at Twitter, which depresses Tesla’s stock price.

Second he’s killing Twitter revenue by causing advertisers to flee, increasing his need to sell Tesla stock.

Third he’s spending all his time at Twitter and seemingly very little at Tesla where he’s the CEO.

Fourth he’s generally acting like a lunatic, raising doubts about his competency as a CEO.

Fifth he’s taken engineers away from Tesla to work at Twitter.

Sixth he’s driving away broad swathes of potential Tesla customers via continuous insults by saying things like, "Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars.” And I’m not even going to mention his attacks on Democrats due to forum rules.

I don’t know if the last point will actually impact Tesla sales, but I can say that while I once was open to buying a Tesla they are now permanently crossed off my shopping list.


We are actively shopping for another EV, and my husband made it clear that it will not be a Tesla due to the company being run by a raging lunatic which will likely result in some business shakeups and ultimately in lack of service down the road.