Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

And honestly, that’s the right call. I’m not sure if you’ve ever had a chance to look at one really closely, put your hands on it and poke around, but the workmanship, fit and finish and overall build quality is abysmal. They are oversized, over-priced golf carts with (formerly) good marketing. Now that more manufacturers have really put effort into their EV offerings there are far better options and values out there to be had.


We own a 5-yr old Model X. The car is perfectly fine and served us quite well, but it was produced back in the pre-lunacy days of mass production. We are looking at other EV options though for our second car.


This tongue in cheek Twitter post is pretty hilarious - be sure to read the comments

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TBH, we got our Model Y about a year ago and are very happy with it. It is an excellently designed vehicle. However, relatively speaking, that was eons ago.

I posted this in the Politics Forum, and this says a lot about the CURRENT state of Tesla, principally because of Musk’s focus on Twitter:

Today, we would never consider getting a Telsa, but about a year ago, they were excellent. While this is not a Tesla thread, the links between what’s happening at Twitter and what is happening/will happen at Tesla can’t be ignored.

Something’s got to give, and quickly. I sense Twitter is going to have to become less open to extremists to have a shot at survival and not be a drain on Musk’s assets and Telsa’s goodwill/operations.


Speaking of “something’s got to give”, Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to Tesla’s board basically asking why they’re shirking their responsibilities to shareholders.

Incompetent boards beholden to founding CEOs are really common, but in this case there’s a huge, huge spotlight shining down on them.

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That is so darn funny!! :+1::+1:

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There is a thread in the politics forum that can be used to have a political discussion regarding Elon:

But on this thread, like every other thread outside the politics forum, such discussion is prohibited.

As one has to opt in to the politics forum, I’m not moving the offending posts; I’m simply zapping them away.


Teslas on sale before the end of the year. Get your red hot Teslas right now. :grinning:

I didn’t like Teslas before Musk’s interest in Twitter and I certainly haven’t changed my mind since. Way to kill two companies simultaneously.


Some folks who considered an EV from a maker that reached the 200k EV threshold are sitting out before the new year… waiting for the federal credit to kick in. Sounds very erratic: we raised the price, but oops here is a discount. Not going to convince me to get another Tesla. Not for a long while.

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In the past, Tesla just lowered the price when demand slackened. See Tesla Car Price History - Google Sheets (click on the past years or specific models at the bottom to see historical increases and decreases). Odd for them to start offering discounts while keeping the list price the same.

This seems like a good summary of where we’re at:


“ In November, 208 workers at the Seattle office were cut among the 3,700 companywide a week after Tesla founder Elon Musk completed his $44 billion Twitter acquisition. Twitter had a 7,500-person workforce.

Platformer reported Thursday evening that Twitter’s remaining Seattle-based workers have been directed to work from home.”

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I guess we could thank Elon for giving Andrew Tate the rope to hang himself with.


No kidding!


Apparently Musk shut down a data center with maybe one day’s notice. Anybody who works in tech will tell you shutting down a data center is usually preceded by months and months of planning, deliberate phased migration, and multiple rounds of testing. Kinda crazy he’s so proud of just running up to Sacramento and unplugging servers.

Also very interesting is that he’s planning on squeezing AWS for discounts in order to shift compute capacity. Meanwhile over at AWS they have to be thinking, “Twitter is between a rock and a hard place since they voluntarily killed 1/3 of their compute capacity with no plan and they’re running with zero redundancy. And now they want a discount from us? :joy: :joy:

It’ll be interesting to see how Twitter’s core compute infrastructure holds up in the coming year.


A reminder that there is a politics forum if anyone would like to delve into more controversial topics. Thanks for keeping this conversation civilized and free of provocation and rancor.

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Does working at Twitter stink?


Hmmmm…maybe it’s an attempt to equalize/neutralize the standard smell of The City streets…which have been wafting for many, many years. :slight_smile:

Presently in “The City,” right now, no bad smells here.


Turn left, walk 25’, breath in, enjoy.

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