Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Musk engaging in some “psyop” of his own . . .

Misleading claims about the neo-Nazi gunman responsible for Saturday’s mass shooting at a Dallas-area shopping center are reverberating across Twitter, in large part because of Twitter owner Elon Musk.

Musk has questioned whether the man identified by authorities as the shooter, Mauricio Garcia, really had an account on a Russian social media platform, and Musk suggested that revelations about the shooter’s background could be a “psyop,” or psychological operation, in which the public is misled about the real details of the shooting.

Garcia proclaimed his white supremacist views on social media and sported Nazi tattoos. Authorities and independent researchers have confirmed his interest in far-right extremism and white supremacism. When police killed Garcia, he was wearing a patch that read “RWDS,” an acronym that stands for “ Right Wing Death Squad.”

All the Musk hate. Should try to be more like him - he “just doesn’t care”.

Bravo Elon.

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Actually I believe the more Elon Musk shows his true self to the world through his “just doesn’t care” attitude, the more it enlightens the masses that the perception of superiority among Musk and his ilk, often masks insecurities and deep character flaws.


And I’m sure that your opinion keeps Musk up at night.

What may keep him up at night is the fact that all this craziness keeps advertisers away.


He had a very interesting interview with David Faber (CNBC). He seemed well rested and in good form.

But haters will continue to hate, fans will continue to love. And Musk? He still won’t care because he listens to sound of his own drums. And btw, he designed, tested, and built those drums :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The modern day “Inigo Montoya.” :rofl:

Someone should try unplugging him and then plugging him back in. He seems broken.



I don’t t think Musk cares about what Mandel Bruce Patinkin thinks. Or even realizes who he is ……… lol

An honorable gentleman indeed is Elon Musk:

A real role model.

Indeed. We should all emulate his logical reasoning skills: “He’s not a white nationalist just because he had swastika tattoos and white nationalist patches on his clothes and posted white nationalist rants on white nationalist social media. Show me some real evidence.”


Interesting how you used his full legal name instead of just saying Mandy Patinkin. :confused:


Musk’s most recent comments about George Soros:

Musk more generally seems to have an “unusual interest” in Nazis, old and new:

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“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

Definitely applies here.


Any bets how long the new CEO of Twitter is going to last?

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And still he persisted……


He’s persisting alright. He’s persisting to lose money.


He don’t care. :joy:

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Maybe next time he grabs a plumbing fixture to bring to Twitter HQ, he’ll grab a toilet, since he’s “whizzing” his money down it. :joy:
